All news by author: Danielle Kate Wroe

18 Pointless Questions which left quiz show contestants stumped - try to answer
Questions on BBC's 'Pointless' can often trip people up and confuse them, as they desperately try to give an answer that nobody else has - but can you answer these 18 tough questions?
'I want a paternity test even though my wife would never cheat - it's not taboo'
A man wants to ask his wife for a paternity test just for the sake of it, even though he knows she hasn't cheated - and has been left wondering why some women think this is controversial
Top mould-busting plants that clean the air and banish condensation
If you're struggling with condensation and mould in your home, some beautiful houseplants could help clear the air, and experts have recommended the best ones to buy
Bedtime mistake is ruining your sleep and hindering weight loss, experts warn
A popular bedtime routine habit is leaving everyone feeling knackered - and starving - the next day. Experts weigh in on the science behind the blunder and why it happens
'Worst baby name ever seen' has very unfortunate connotations parents missed
Parents really missed the mark when they were naming their daughter when they failed to realise the rather rude connotations that may come attached to the moniker
Most expensive Easter egg in UK weighs whopping 5.4kg with hand-painted details
The UK's most expensive Easter egg is available from a tea room in Yorkshire, retailing for an eye-watering price tag, and weighing a humungous 5.4kg - would you devour it?
'My mum and I are mistaken for twins - she looks half her age with amazing abs'
A 61-year-old personal trainer, who can deadlift double her body weight, and her daughter, who is 24, have explained they often get mistaken for 'twins', or at least 'siblings'
People fume as man 'to be a millionaire' empties Tesco shelves for £1,000 profit
People were left with mixed feelings after one man filmed himself clearing the shelves in supermarket Tesco, so he could make a whopping £1,000 profit on the items
'Five senses' sleep trick hailed by doctors can help you drift off faster
Today is World Sleep Day, an awareness event highlighting the importance of proper rest. If you find yourself struggling to drift off, one doctor's surprising technique could help
Brits warned not to mow their lawns this weekend or risk costly disaster
The temptation to mow your lawn as the weather warms up is real, but experts have warned that if you do it too soon, you'll potentially be costing yourself a fortune
Bodyguard warns he'd never open curtains in a hotel room - even during day
A bodyguard has warned that there's an important reason you need to ensure you keep your hotel curtains closed at all times - even in broad daylight
Eagle-eyed drivers spot rude number plate illusion hidden in plain sight
People have been left chuckling at a rude number plate that appears totally normal at first. When you spot the cheeky detail, it's impossible not to laugh out loud
Tesco employee proposes to girlfriend at self-checkout - and people are divided
Proposals are unique to each couple, and when one Tesco worker decided to propose to his girlfriend at the self-checkout, people had plenty to say about the choice of location
B&M shoppers hail 'life-changing' £12 clothes drying trick for small spaces
B&M shoppers have been praising a 'game-changing' cheap clothes airer as it slashes heating bills and fits into small spaces - parents with busy homes swear by it
Only people with sharpest 'vision skills' can see tiny seashell hiding in sea
In this underwater scene, there's a tiny little seashell that's really well hidden in and amongst the fish, coral, and general beauty - but do you think you'll be able to spot it?
Scientist says we're drinking water wrong - it's ruining the health benefits
Drinking plenty of water helps you to stay hydrated, fend off headaches, and can even help boost concentration - but did you know there's a correct way to consume it?
'I'm jealous that my daughter is happy with her boyfriend - I resent her'
A mum was left 'unhappy' when her 23-year-old daughter got into a relationship, because she felt 'insecure', and she was worried that her daughter would ditch her
People feel cheated after realising how to wash different fabrics properly
Different materials shouldn't be just bunged into the wash together, and a washing machine expert has shared what you must do to ensure longevity for different materials
Best shade-loving houseplants to buy if your home has little natural light
If your home is lacking in natural light, or there are areas that don't have windows, such as bathrooms, there are still houseplants that you can adorn these areas with
'I gave up chocolate and ultra-processed food for 2 months - what I learned'
With all the different diets and potential lifestyle changes out there, it can be hard to know which to opt for - but one man gave up chocolate and ultra-processed food for two months, and he feels fantastic
Walkers speaks out after customer spots unfortunate 'error' on crisp packet
Walkers has spoken out after a customer spotted something unusual on a crisp packet - but they were reassured that despite the error, they were still safe to eat
'I'm pregnant and got dress-coded at my gym - the owner's excuse was baffling'
A woman was left horrified when she was dress-coded at the gym for wearing a tank top, saying that she felt 'embarrassed' by the situation - and many defended her outfit choice
Expert's 16p hack helps you remove yellow finger staining after years of smoking
No Smoking Day encourages people to quit the habit, whether they vape or smoke cigarettes - but if you're looking to banish years of stains from your hands, there are methods to try
Experts compare vaping and smoking side effects as 'neither' is goal
Many may wonder whether it's better to smoke cigarettes, or vapes, and experts are quick to point out that we do not have any long-term data when it comes to the latter
Savvy bread storage hack will keep it fresh for days without any mould
An expert has shared why a common storage solution for bread isn't the correct one, sharing what to try instead as your bread will be edible and fresher for much longer