
Consequences of prime minister losing seat in general election
Among several big General Election polls released yesterday, one predicted a particularly shocking result: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak losing his seat in North Yorkshire.
Europe’s Trump moment has arrived
As the far right surges, this week’s European Parliament election will reorder the Continent’s political landscape.
Introducing Keir Starmer: Could he be Britain’s next Prime Minister?
The buttoned-up lawyer is about to roll up his sleeves on the campaign trail.
Threat of WW3 looms as Iran insists president Raisi’s death ’won’t deter regime’ amid nuclear tensions
Iranian leader Ali Khamenei has scrambled to assure his country that its warped regime will continue as normal following the death of president Ebrahim Raisi.
10 ways world could spiral into nuke war as summer of Putin victories would mark first steps to WW3, army bosses warn
Scroll down to see The Sun’s graphic on how Putin’s summer offensive could turn into WW3 in 10 steps
Alcohol abuse costs England £27bn annually
Experts call for higher taxes and tougher regulation as research shows cost to NHS, other public services and economy
Prince Harry dealt a blow as Charles schedules ’hurtful’ announcement for maximum impact
King Charles has announced he will not be giving Prince Harry the role as Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Air Corps - a role many thought had been reserved for him - and instead will be handing it to his self-proclaimed ’archnemesis’, Prince William
Russian oil still seeping into UK - the reasons why sanctions are not working
Sky’s economics & data editor explains how Russia’s oil and gas has found its way to new buyers since the invasion of Ukraine, leaving huge question marks over the effectiveness of sanctions to date.
Could there really be a hung parliament at the next UK general election?
After PM’s bold reading of disastrous Tory local election results, we assess the variables in play at national level
Kensington Palace reportedly relieved as Meghan Markle skips UK visit
Meghan Markle skipping the UK visit her husband is embarking on next week has seemingly prompted a ‘huge sigh of relief’ from Kensington Palace, according to an expert
Brexit border checks to ’add billions’ to consumer bills
Post-Brexit checks will add more than £330m to annual business costs and 0.2% to food inflation over three years, the government admitted.
How to fix Britain’s barmy VAT regime
Britain’s second-most-important tax is riddled with holes
Andy Beckett: The cost of living crisis has made the UK a poorer, more anxious nation – and worse is yet to come
Instead of buy-one-get-one-free offers, everyday life now involves carefully comparing prices and feeling increasingly powerless
New UK smoking ban faces key vote - how it works and how it will impact you
MPs will be given the first chance today to debate and vote on plans to raise the legal age to buy tobacco up by ’one year, every year’ to stop youngsters taking up smoking
Did the recent killings of four individuals in London suggest an increase in violent crime?
A wave of homicides across London has sparked fears about a spike in violent crime in the capital.
Ex-civil service chief warns of need for wartime-level defense spending in UK
Britain must ramp up its defence and aid spending and bolster its diplomatic and intelligence networks amid “the most dangerous period” since the Cold War, the UK’s formerly top civil servant has warned.
Expert warns ’there will be a third world war’ after Putin’s latest threat
Referring to a pledge by some EU countries to give F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, the Russian president said other countries could become a legitimate target "wherever they are"
Ross Clark: Our topsy turvy legal system pounces on old and sick for not having a TV licence as REAL criminals go free
Our legal system creates a horrible sense of injustice all round, and it is no credit to this government that it has failed to act
Property expert swears by 65p item to get rid of mould and condensation
A property expert has revealed a surprisingly simple - and very affordable - way to get rid of dangerous mould and condensation in your home as colder weather sets in
‘I’m a doctor and there’s a reason I never drink coffee after 12pm’
Dr Poonam Desai has taken to TikTok to reveal the five things she would never do to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including never drinking coffee in the afternoon
Experts debunk superfood myths and share key items you should include in diet
Brain experts have highlighted recent food trends that have gone viral on TikTok and have revealed the benefits and cheaper alternatives linked to ’superfoods’ such as avocados
And Just Like That's Samantha and Carrie reunion was an embarrassing abomination
The two-minute scene between Samantha and Carrie was an embarrassing, clunky abomination that only confirmed that any reported feud must be far from over as Samantha’s return happened straight away - in the form of a stilted phone call to Carrie
'My mum is ignoring me on holiday from hell - even my husband won't support me'
Coleen gives advice to a woman who says she's been made an emotional mess by her mother's manipulation, which she says dates back to her childhood - and it's all coming to a head on holiday
'Rishi Sunak should look at France burning before raising retirement age'
In the UK, the Government is already increasing the retirement age, without proper consultation, to 67 from 2028. The PM now looks to bring forward to 2036 from 2046 the scheduled rise to 68 - he should take France as a warning
Should UK send fighter jets to Ukraine? You voted
Many of you responded to our poll, with opinion largely split down the middle