
The trucks of death in the Agri-Food Giant
With government complacency, agricultural production companies with million-dollar profits use second-hand vehicles, or vehicles with expired permits, to transport their laborers to the work camps in Jalisco.
The invader’s European nest: the family of a Russian aircraft and drone developer owns property in France and the UK
Villas, luxury clothes, business in Europe… The Russian businessmen who financed the invasion of Ukraine do not want their children and grandchildren to live in their homeland, so they easily send them to “decaying Europe”.
Emails reveal how millions flowed to ‘political consultants’ in Malta hospital corruption case
Bankrupt U.S. company Steward Health Care sent 7.6 million euros ($8.1 million) to a Swiss firm that paid consultancy fees to former Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, who is now on trial for corruption.
Shifting the balance: F-16s could challenge Russia’s supremacy in electronic warfare
In the coming months, Kyiv is expected to receive several dozen F-16 fighter jets from its Western allies, which it will be able to use to strike military targets inside Russia.
Kidnapped, abused, and humiliated – the Ukrainian children taken by Russia
In a special investigation, Tom Watling tells the story of five teenagers who were taken into Russia or Russian-occupied territory before eventually being rescued. Many others are still believed to be trapped
Venezuelan involvement in BES/Venezuela case revealed: father and son Rafael Cure play key roles
The investigation by the Portuguese prosecutor’s office into the so-called BES / Venezuela case concluded last year and produced only some accusations against former directors of the bank that collapsed in 2014.
’The cocaine superhighway’: the trail of death and destruction from South America to Europe
A sign on the doorway said “For rent” and the house’s lights were out. But the assault team were convinced a group of armed gang members lurked inside and they were determined to smoke them out.
The "Immortal Dreamer": Putin’s family continues to buy yachts and private jet spare parts in the West despite sanctions
Despite a ban on the sale of yachts to Russia, a luxury French-made sailing boat, the Immortal Dreamer, was recently purchased by a firm linked to Mikhail Shelomov, Vladimir Putin’s nephew.
Old cars, immigrants and war – how EU related misinformation is spread in the Baltics?
If you wish to discredit the EU in the Baltic states, spread green lies and half-truths – for example, that the EU will immediately force everyone to drive electric cars, stop old cars from being repaired and ban heating with firewood.
Revealed: drug cartels exploiting migrant children as foot soldiers in Europe’s booming cocaine trade
Guardian investigation shows white powder trail linking hundreds of vulnerable African minors with ruthless gangs
Deals that helped tycoon Steinmetz combat bribery fallout
Beny Steinmetz’s company obtained iron ore deposits worth billions thanks to bribes paid to the wife of a West African president.
CNN documentary: “Most disruptive” Latin American gang has reached the US
A violent gang that most likely originated in a Venezuelan prison in 2012 has, in just over a decade, grown into Latin America’s “most disruptive” criminal group and is spreading like cancer throughout the continent.
Beny Steinmetz: Scion of diamond royalty, now at bay over bribery charges
Beny Steinmetz likes to do things his own way.
Life after deaths: How nations reconcile following bloody conflicts
With a “peace summit” set to take place in Switzerland later this June, speculation is again rampant regarding the potential for ending Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine via some form of diplomatic solution.
Grain stealing quotas: The Russian scheme to export Ukraine’s crops and the hidden ties to Putin’s Palace
Agricultural products from the occupied territories can be exported at a reduced price with the permission of the Russian administration.
A pen pal in Moscow: Moldovan Chief of General Staff passed secret information to his GRU handlers
The Insider has accessed Telegram correspondence between former Chief of the Moldovan General Staff Igor Gorgan and his GRU handler, Russian Colonel Alexei Makarov.
Exploring the finances of the ISIS, Hamas, and Hezbollah terrorist empires
In May, a Russian programmer was sentenced to more than 5 years in prison in the Netherlands for creating the crypto mixer Tornado Cash.
The always insufficient balance of Nodus Bank
A recently released judicial document recounts the series of misdeeds that two Venezuelans allegedly committed in the administration of that bank in Puerto Rico, which when it collapsed left debts still unpaid for 3,500 savers.
OPEC minus: Sanctions push Russia into competition with Saudi Arabia as price war looms
In March 2024, Russia again became the largest supplier of oil to China and India, according to a recent OPEC report.
A former Georgian defenсe official secretly bought a London flat with cash
An offshore company owned by onetime deputy defense minister Mamuka Mujiri purchased a London flat — then sold it after his ownership was revealed.
Maersk and CMA-CGM: The favorite shipping companies of the Colombian mafia
Leaked documents from the Prosecutor’s Office show that their vessels, the initials of their containers and the arrival docks of these companies in Europe are mentioned by criminals to speak in code about cocaine shipments and routes.
Pirates of the Caribbean Trafficked in Maersk
Military intelligence officers and police, in a network with the principal of Daniel “El Loco” Barrera, sent 19 tons of cocaine to Central America, the United States and Europe; They corrupted inspectors at the port of Santa Marta to ship 70% of the drugs to the Danish shipping company.
How an alleged associate of the Burkinabè cigarette magnate tried to bribe a Malian official
A secret recording obtained by OCCRP shows how Safy Mokoko Sow, a well-connected middleman claiming to represent Burkinabe tobacco magnate Apollinaire Compaoré, offered money to the head of Mali’s national tobacco company to smuggle contraband cigarettes.
This is how the international businesses of the Castro family expand
Cuba also has its Castro-bourgeois who, as in the Venezuelan case, enjoy privileged connections with the ruling family, when they are not directly members of it.
The unbreakable union of unfree states: an axis of dictatorships is supporting the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine
Public discussions following Vladimir Putin’s May visit to China largely focused on exports of obscure tubers and beef cartilage to Beijing.