
Mark Rutte will be NATO’s next secretary-general
The outgoing Dutch PM has been confirmed after seven months of campaigning.
Betting scandal engulfs UK election
Conservative figures are accused of betting on the timing of the snap election. The scandal couldn’t come at a worse moment for Rishi Sunak.
Laura Saunders: Second Conservative candidate under betting investigation is married to the party’s head of campaigns
Laura Saunders is married to Tony Lee, head of Conservative campaigns. Rishi Sunak’s parliamentary aide, Craig Williams, is also under investigation, and the PM’s close protection officer has been arrested over betting allegations.
Corruption is on the rise in Britain. Will ousting the Tories make a difference?
Labour is talking a good game on cleaning up Westminster as an election looms — but the U.K. has a long history of opposition parties promising the earth.
Rishi Sunak’s $7.2 million beach home in California serves as his escape hatch
The UK leader’s luxe penthouse and deep California ties have fueled speculation about where he could land if he winds up out of office.
Reform UK criticized as ’shameful’ for charging constituents £3.41 to meet Nigel Farage
Nigel Farage has left voters furious after charging for a campaign event in the Essex town he is standing in as Reform UK leader. The right-wing politican has been dubbed ’shameful’
Candidate accused of Islamophobia in 2019 is running for Reform UK under an alias
The candidate now running under the name "Dionne Moore" previously stood for the Brexit Party in 2019.
Councils anticipate £1 billion shortfall in special education needs funding
High hopes of deal on top jobs dashed as heads of state and government squabble over appointments.
Reform UK candidate quits over ’unacceptable’ blog posts
Reform UK’s parliamentary candidate in Kemi Badenoch’s constituency has resigned from the party after it emerged he previously urged people to vote for the BNP.
Tory minister becomes the first to acknowledge they likely won’t win the General Election
Grant Shapps has admitted a Conservative Party victory in the upcoming General Election is not likely.
Tories and Labour on course for lowest share of the vote since 1945
Poll reveals historically low support for the big two, with smaller parties up by five points
EU diplomat Johan Floderus released by Iran in a prisoner swap
In exchange for Floderus, Sweden has agreed to release Iranian former prison official Hamid Nouri.
Rishi Sunak spent £50 of taxpayer money on a custom ’stopped’ stamp for a gimmicky pre-election video
The prime minister sent a Downing Street staffer on the hunt in London for an ink-stamp in the shape of the word ‘stopped’ before slapping it on examples of visa applicants he was barring from Britain
Nigel Farage’s Reform Party surpasses the Tories in election poll
Whether it was Rishi Sunak’s ‘Haribo and Twix diet’ or his manifesto launch, the Tories have dropped to third place in the polls.
The secret arms deal that cost Putin an ally
Leaked files reveal betrayal by Russia’s proxies provoked Armenia to quit a military alliance with Moscow, in a blow to Vladimir Putin.
Sunak’s top aide apologizes for betting £100 on the July election date
Craig Williams, who placed bet three days before PM made announcement, says ‘I made huge error of judgment’
Contestant from ’Farmer Wants a Wife’ to become the new Dutch agriculture minister
Femke Wiersma married the dairy farmer she met on the TV reality show before going into politics.
Insiders and opponents describe the Conservative grassroots campaign as being in ‘disarray’
Sources report that the Tories struggling in some areas due to a chronic shortage of supporters for canvassing and delivering leaflets.
Which school did Rishi Sunak attend, and what were the fees?
Rishi Sunak is bidding to remain prime minister at the General Election next month, and is truly selling himself as a man of the people.
Irish MEP Clare Daly loses seat
Controversial MEP will not be returning to Brussels after she was eliminated on 17th count in Dublin constituency.
Belgium headed for new government as PM set to resign after general election
The governing coalition of Alexander De Croo lost its ability to form a majority – while an expected surge for far right Vlaams Belang failed to materialise
Who won, who lost and who cocked up in the EU election
The far right had a good night. Others not so much.
French President Emmanuel Macron calls snap election following significant far-right gains in EU vote
French far-right leader Marine Le Pen welcomed Mr Macron’s call for new parliamentary elections
Gove’s replacement caught out on claim he moved to Surrey Heath as home found on AirBnb
Social media users quickly pointed out house Ed McGuinness had posted photos in was available on AirBnB
French far right obliterates Macron’s camp in EU election
The French far right headed by Jordan Bardella is projected to grab more than the combined total of the second and third place finishers as it lands its strongest-ever showing in a nationwide vote.