Gifting expert unwraps gifts you shouldn't give to someone - including voucher

It feels as though every month there are birthdays and special events that require present buying - and sometimes, when you've known someone for years, it can feel as if you've given them everything there is to give over the years. As a result of this, you may resort to letting them choose by purchasing a voucher, or something you think will be more practical for them - but a gift-giving expert has shared the things she'd never give.
Leah, the gift girl, took to her TikTok page to share "gifts you should never give unless they ask for it", explaining that there are a high number of birthdays in the coming months.
"We're going to say memberships of any kind", Leah said. "Unless they've explicitly told you that they want to try said membership. Imagine getting a gym membership somewhere that you didn't ask for - think about how you might respond. This is not limited to gyms. I love to work out, I'd love a membership, but that's only because I'd ask for it."
Next, she said that "self-improvement gifts" should be off the table too, such as teeth-whitening products, saying that someone in a previous video said they'd been given a plastic surgery voucher. "The nerve", Leah fumed.
"Lastly - self hygiene. I'd like to point out that wellness products are different to self-hygiene." She then shared that these products include deodorant, face wash, toothpaste, saying she'd be "offended" at such a gift.

In another video, she shared that no-go items included make-up, self-help books, and random perfume. But in the comments, people were left wondering: "So what should I give?"
Others were quick to point out other things they thought should never be given. One wrote: "Honestly, clothes. The number of times I got clothes that were too small made me so insecure I made it a rule to never give me clothes." Someone else said: "PETS!!!! I was gifted a dog for my 18th birthday that I was not prepared for and had to care that thing until I was 35! It was a demonic chihuahua lol." "Gift cards!", another added.
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