'My wife thinks naming our baby after manga character will bring them bad luck'

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The man was desperate to name his child after his favourite manga character (Stock Image) (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
The man was desperate to name his child after his favourite manga character (Stock Image) (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Choosing a moniker for your newborn baby can be a really tricky task. You want to give them the best start in life, naming them something that means a lot to you. Many parents-to-be may consider naming their little one after a cartoon character, much like Molly-Mae and Tommy Fury have done by naming their daughter Bambi after the 1942 Disney film.

But some parents are against doing this, as they feel that it's 'too unconventional' and their child will be 'made fun of' if their name stands out from the crowd. One man took to Reddit's 'Am I the a**hole' forum to explain that he wanted to name their child after a character in their favourite manga series - but his wife was having none of it.

'My wife thinks naming our baby after manga character will bring them bad luck' eiqrtiqdiqrrinvThe husband was really keen on a name - but his wife said no (Stock Image) (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

He wrote: "My wife and I are expecting our first child and we've been trying to come up with names for the baby. I've always been a big fan of the manga No. 6, and I suggested naming our baby after one of the characters, Shion.

"However, my wife is against the idea. She says it's too unconventional and that people will make fun of our child for having such an unusual name.

"She also says that it's too related to the dystopian world of No. 6 and that it will have negative connotations. I understand her concerns, but I really love the name and I think it would be a great tribute to one of my favorite stories.

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"I've tried to compromise by suggesting other names that are similar, but she's still not budging.

"Am I the a**hole for not taking my wife's feelings into account and pushing for a name she doesn't like? Or is she being unreasonable for not allowing me to name our baby after a character I admire?"

Some people agreed that calling a child an unusual name could be a negative thing as they will always be explaining their name, or having to spell it for somebody.

One wrote: "Your wife is correct, he/she will be bullied, and even if not, it'll be an inconvenience their entire life. I know, because I'm an immigrant to the US and I have to spell out my name every single time I'm on the phone for some official business.

"You have no idea how much I want to change my name to Steve Smith at this point. As it's an unusual name, they'll face the same issue. Why not make it the middle name instead?

"In my opinion, things like baby names should be decided so that both parents agree. If either object then you scrap it."

Someone slightly disagreed though, writing: "Hm, I'm born and raised in the US, have a fairly generic name, and I still have to spell it out everywhere I go because it's barely not generic enough that it makes people blue screen for whatever reason. So that part's kinda moot, just from my personal experience.

"Kids will find just about anything to tease each other about; I was teased because my name was gender neutral, I had classmates teased because their name was too common or too weird, or because it started with the letter C. Kids are weird as heck.

"I will agree, however, that the original poster would be being an a**hole if they press the issue too much here. Naming kids as co-parents is definitely an all yes/no situation. I'm sure they can find something else they can agree on. And like you said, Shion as a middle name would probably be nice."

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Another fumed about unusual baby names: "This is what I hate when people name their kids these ridiculous names or even after fictional characters like….just get a dang pet and name it that for Christ's sake!

"Remember that, even though you're about to welcome a baby, that baby is also a person, who will develop their own feelings and have their own experiences outside of you. They will have to live with this name, remember that."

What do you think about unusual baby names? Let us know in the comments.

Danielle Kate Wroe

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