'My sister-in-law said I'm cursing daughter with plant-related name - I'm livid'
Choosing a moniker for your unborn baby is completely personal to you, and each person is a fan of different types of names - whether it's traditional, modern, or in honour of someone who has passed. But if your sister-in-law publically slated what you were going to call your baby on an "online baby name discussion board", what would you do?
One woman was left miffed after her sister-in-law did just that, stating that the name isn't "something insane", it's merely "old-fashioned" and an "old-timey plant name."
But her sister-in-law wasn't a fan of the "terrible and embarrassing name", writing that the mum-to-be was "cursing" her daughter.
She took to Reddit's 'Am I the a**hole' forum to vent about what she'd seen. She wrote: "I (36) have a sister-in-law (31) who as a hobby manages an online baby name discussion board.
"I just had my baby three months ago and she did not approve of the name. Before you ask, no it's not something insane, it's just old-fashioned. I don't want to share it for privacy reasons, but it's something similar to 'Astor' or 'Saffron', just an old-timey plant name.
Baby boy has spent his life in hospital as doctors are 'scared' to discharge him"She posted about my baby's name and held it up for ridicule, saying I was 'cursing' my daughter with a 'terrible and embarrassing name.' I only knew because my husband mentioned her forum to me so I looked at it, and everyone commenting was being nasty about my name choice.
"I was hurt, especially because my in-laws are all Catholic and I picked this name because it's also a Saint name so I wanted to be respectful. I sent her an angry email saying she had no right to share my kid's name and hold it up for ridicule and I also called her a b**** which I know is wrong."
The woman finished the post by saying she thinks she may have overreacted, but she's been dealing with "sleepless nights" and is "breast-feeding" her baby, so is "sad."
She said that her husband has also waded in to say that he thinks that she overreacted, so this confused her.
In the comments, people were desperately trying to guess the name of the baby, with some sympathising with her.
One wrote: "The sister-in-law is a jerk."
"I was thinking Hyacinth!", someone added, whilst another simply guessed "Rose." A popular guess was "Philamena" too.
"St John's Wort is a beautiful name. Not the a**hole", a Redditor joked, with someone adding: "Wortie for shortie."
Would you feel ridiculed by this scenario? Let us know in the comments.