'Stupid' couple stun hotel workers over 'idiotic' room service blunder

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The guest tried to order food from their room (Image: Getty Images)
The guest tried to order food from their room (Image: Getty Images)

A former hospitality manager recalled the cringeworthy moment a couple checked out of a hotel after they almost 'starved to death'. The guests had already complained about their room's inefficient shower and the uncomfortable night's sleep they had to endure during their stay.

But when the middle-aged woman began carping on about the lack of room service available for dinner because the phone didn't work, the real reason they couldn't get through was revealed. In a Reddit post called 'I always thought I've seen the peak of human stupidity. Then someone comes along and surprises me once more', one user wrote: "Former front office manager here, worked in hospitality for a decade, and I'm full of stories. But this one makes me still slap my forehead every time I remember it."

"Your average middle-aged couple checks in one evening, and you know as soon as they start interacting with you that it's going to be one of those stays." Sensing that they were a pair of demanding guests, the manager attempted to make their stay as pleasant as possible to make sure they had no reason whatsoever to complain.

They added: "I really did everything for them, down to asking our chef and restaurant staff to be overly nice with them, give them absolutely no reason to complain for a refund. And I thought it went well." But, unfortunately, it didn't.

Upon checking out the following morning, they gave the manager an earful over how disappointing their stay was. The post went on: "Of course I had the pleasure of checking them out in the morning, and as soon as I saw her face scrunched like we served her toothpaste-flavoured orange juice for breakfast, I went into my zen breathing and tried to control my upcoming emotions.

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"Besides giving me the whole spiel of how they expected so much more and just did not enjoy themselves, nor slept well, nor had any shower pressure, she said she also wanted to order room service dinner and the phone didn't work." The manager asked if she tried to call the bar or restaurant instead, to which the woman replied: "No, I called reception because you told me that I can just press 0 and I can call the front desk and it didn't work!"

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After maintenance confirmed that the couple's room phone was working, it was then that their 'stupidity' was finally uncovered. The manager wrote: "Exasperated out of her mind, she indulges me with eye rolls and sighs and says 'look, I'll show you!' Then proceeds to take out her mobile phone, press 0 on the numpad and show me how that is not dialing to our reception. See?'"

"Yes, I did ask very gently whether she has used the phone in her room to do this, and she assured me it was the same mobile phone she used while in the room and it still did not connect to reception."

The stunned manager somehow kept a straight face and "respectfully explained" the concept of closed lined connections within the hotel, cheekily adding: "I felt so sorry that these nice folks almost starved to death last night because of our inability to predict this situation. Lessons were learned that day."

Reddit users were equally bemused by the couple's hilarious ignorance. One wrote: "Honest to god, my jaw dropped reading that. Kudos to you for keeping your demeanor, I am pretty certain I would have laughed in her face and ask whether she was playing with me!" Others also praised the manager's calm reaction and joked how a village must have been missing their 'idiot'.

One user jokingly advised: "I‘m a programmer and I learned something a while ago. Every time you make something idiot-proof, the universe makes a better idiot. The best you can hope for is idiot-resistant."

Steven White

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