'I got called a creep for ordering same food as an entitled woman'

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A man tring to order Chinese food was accused of hitting on a girl because he ordered the same as her (Image: Getty Images)
A man tring to order Chinese food was accused of hitting on a girl because he ordered the same as her (Image: Getty Images)

A man has told fellow social-media users about an encounter with a 'Karen' in a Chinese takeaway where he went to order food for himself and his wife, only to be accused of being a "creep" because he ordered the same dish for his wife that the woman in front of hum had ordered.

Writing on Reddit, the 27-year-old said that he and his spouse were out doing errands and got hungry, so they stopped at a well-known food chain because he wanted some orange chicken and his 30-year-old wife wanted teriyaki chicken. His wife stayed in the car while he went in and he was delighted to find that there were only three other people in the queue.

He said there was a couple and a man in front of him and the girl looked as though she was in her early 20s and was wearing pyjamas. The two men ordered their food without incident then the girl placed her order and the husband realised she wanted the same dish as his wife.

The 27-year-old said: "Now, when the girl orders her food I notice she happens to be ordering the exact same thing I want to order for my wife – teriyaki chicken. Crazy I know. When the staff member asks me what I want I order the same thing. The girl, hearing what I ordered, looks back at me with the most disgusted look on her face and says 'I have a boyfriend you creep. Are you trying to get with me or something?'"

He says that before he can say anything the girl walked away in the huff and joined her boyfriend at the till, adding: "She continues to glare at me once or twice while her boyfriend rolls his eyes and finishes paying. Both me and the staff member look at each other thinking, 'did she really just say that?' Then the nice middle-aged Chinese woman serving me says to me 'I'll give you a little extra'. I turn back to her and say, 'Thanks my wife will really appreciate that. Can I get an order of orange chicken too for myself?'"

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Other users of the site said they weren't that surprised at her behaviour, with one commenting: "Gotta love Karens. Not only are they the centre of the universe, now all men want them so badly they’ll eat icky food to hit on them. Who even makes that correlation over a fast-food order? These people are the definition of egotistic. Newsflash Karen, you’re not all that. Get over yourself."

And another said: "Imagine how often she is hit on at McDonald's when she orders a Big Mac. Even children are hitting on her there. No one thought we would stretch the gene pool this thin... but we have," while a third said: "She realised she was in a restaurant right? Like crazy man, imagine someone ordering the same thing as you off the same menu. She's in her own little world."

Paul Donald

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