Dad praised for 'smelly revenge' on entitled couple who made waitress cry

A disgusted dad has been praised for getting 'smelly revenge' on an obnoxious couple who made a waitress cry. His daughter explained how her now-deceased dad spotted a couple abusing a waitress to the point of tears when she was just trying to do her job - and decided to get revenge on them after realising they were staying in the same hotel.
Speaking on social media, she recalled how the waitress, Sandy, had been very proficient with them and what the couple had done was out of order. Sandy was very upset about the abuse and had cried, so her dad left her a generous tip. When they got back into their car, her father was raging about the incident and warned her that if he ever heard his daughter had behaved the same way as the couple, no matter what age she was, he would "whoop my a**".
She said: "As dad and I were thoroughly enjoying our food, we watched this couple treat Sandy like she was stupid. They sent their food back multiple times and said nasty things about Sandy so loud that we had no trouble overhearing them. The mean couple paid their check and told Sandy (quite loudly) that since her service was so bad, all they were leaving her was a dollar tip and they thought that was being generous.
"We got back to the hotel and had just checked in when another couple walked into the lobby. They headed towards the elevator that we were heading towards and dad and I both realised that it was the nasty couple from the restaurant who had been so mean to Sandy."
She said her and her dad got in the elevator with the pair, who were staying on the floor above them and just as the door opened to let the daughter and dad out on their floor, "I was walking out, my dad paused, let out a large noxious fart and said 'That’s for Sandy' and then walked off, smiling as the elevator door closed, hotboxing the nasty couple in with his equally nasty fart. I laughed so hard I cried. I do feel bad for anyone else who had to ride that elevator after that."

People on the site said they enjoyed the tale of petty revenge and that the couple had got what they deserved for being so mean. One person quipped: "Sounds like your father was a man of di-stink-tion," while another said: "That was the perfect counterstrike. Too bad that they just had to persevere only one more floor. But what I loved the most was your dad telling them that this was for Sandy – connected the dots for them. Amazing man." And a third person said: "I would’ve loved your father! That has to be the manliest way I’ve ever heard to deal with a couple of Karens!"
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