'Eight banned XL Bully dogs' kept in house where gran mauled to death

An 11-year-old boy saw his grandmother mauled to death by two dogs that the victim’s family say were XL Bullys.
The boy ran screaming from the house when the dogs attacked Esther Martin as she tried to stop their six puppies fighting.
Neighbours rushed to help but Esther, 68, died at the scene in Jaywick, Essex. Her daughter Kelly Fretwell, 46, said: “My nephew witnessed it and could have been killed too.”
Esther’s daughter told how the owner of the dogs that mauled her mother to death shrugged off warnings they were dangerous, saying: “Nobody can tell me what to do with my dogs.”
Kelly Fretwell, 46, said there were eight “XL Bullys” in the house at the time of the attacks – six puppies and the two adult dogs which killed Esther as she visited her grandson, whose own mother had died two years ago.

Kelly said: “There could have been two victims, my nephew has not only lost his mum and grandmother but he had to witness all this violence. He could have been killed as well.”
The dogs’ owner was named locally as Esther’s son-in-law Ashley Warren, a rap artist calling himself Wyless Man. In November, he posted an ad selling XL Bully puppies at £500 each. Esther, 68, was visiting her 11-year-old grandson in Jaywick, Essex, from her home in Woodford Green, East London, when the dogs turned on her on Saturday at around 4pm.
When the boy ran from the house screaming for help, neighbours desperately tried to stop the attack. Chief Supt Glen Pavelin today praised their courage. He said: “I would like to thank local people who tried to get into the house to help Esther Martin. You should be proud.”

He also praised police officers who arrived “within minutes” of receiving reports of the attack and went into the house to destroy the animals. He said: “When six police officers entered the house, their priority was, as always, to keep their community safe. Their unflinching bravery and professionalism ensured that there is no ongoing threat to the people of Essex. Both dogs were destroyed inside the house.”
Sadly, nothing could be done to save mum-of-four Esther, who was pronounced dead at the scene.

Chief Supt Pavelin said a 39-year-old man, who was from Jaywick, was in custody, being questioned on suspicion of dangerous dog offences. Police confirmed there was a “familial” relationship between the victim and suspect.
Chief Supt Pavelin declined to comment on the breed of the dogs. He said: “I know there is speculation about the breed involved and we are working with experts to establish this. I would ask you not to speculate. We will establish the facts and keep the community updated.”
He said he did not have any information about previous complaints made about the dogs.
Esther’s other daughter, Sonia Martin, 47, of Chesterfield, Derbys, claimed the animals were XL Bullys, a breed banned in England and Wales from February 1 unless the owner has a valid certificate of exemption.
Sonia said: “They were XL Bullys. There were eight in the house, six puppies and two adults. Her grandson came running out, shouting for help. We would like to thank all the neighbours who tried to help our mum.”

Sonia’s sister Kelly paid tribute to Esther, a retired Tesco worker. Kelly said: “She was amazing. She was retired and trying to bring her life back on track after the passing of my sister two years ago. She came to visit my nephew and now she is dead.”
The family found out what had happened from police at around 10pm on Saturday. Kelly said: “This is a very distressing time for our family. If someone knocked on your door at night to say that your mum had been mauled to death, would you believe them?”
Since the XL Bully ban came into force, police can seize the dogs if their owners do not have the certificate or do not comply with the restrictions. Owners can get a criminal record and unlimited fine.
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