Greggs under attack as crows swoop and steal customers' sausage rolls and cakes

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Greggs in Twickenham where the incidents have been taking place (Image: Google Maps)
Greggs in Twickenham where the incidents have been taking place (Image: Google Maps)

Greggs customers have been losing their baked goods to greedy crows with the pesky birds becoming experts on how to dive-bomb a sausage roll.

Residents in Twickenham, London were warned by concerned citizen Ricky Craig Pound, who said the big birds had developed sneaky habits. One woman nearly had her face scratched when a crow tore bacon from her sarnie and a boy was in tears when others swooped in.

Taking to Facebook, he wrote: “A word of warning to anybody who eats food whilst on the go in the centre of Twickenham. On four occasions recently I have been attacked by crows from the back trying to get food from my hand.

"This is particularly prevalent in Church Street and near Greggs. I have heard from one local business that this is becoming a real problem in the last few months. If it happened to a child this would really scare them. Not sure what the answer is but I will be contacting the council.”

Speaking to the Daily Star, Ricky explained: “I have been attacked four times in total. The thread on Facebook Twickenham shows that this has happened many other times to people. I just don’t want little children to be scared by the crows. But I also understand that the birds need to feed in this very cold weather.”

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Ricky’s claims about the situation were readily backed up by the local community. One local business owner said they had witnessed it with their own eyes, adding: “It happens all the time.”

Greggs under attack as crows swoop and steal customers' sausage rolls and cakesA photo taken from the Facebook post, showing the crows ready to jump (Facebook/Ricky Craig Pound)

With a taste for the finer things in life, one woman had her Gail's cinnamon bun nabbed in the same area. She even said the birds followed her to her car. Another person wrote on Facebook: “My poor friend was also attacked by the crows. She was eating an almond croissant bought from Tesco and then BLAM! Crow attack! She’s only little so she must have been very scared.”

A mother wrote under Ricky's post: “A crow tried to grab my four-year-old’s cake from her hand a few months back whilst walking past Poundland”.

Some came to the defence of the birds. One person said: “They are hungry. Not enough wild food at this time of year. And everyone [is] told to not feed them. This will happen. It's survival. People need to put more bird feeder out and throw crumbs for them and this will stop.”

Harry Thompson

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