'I need to legally destroy a neighbour and devote my life to bringing her down'

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The woman was left in tears (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
The woman was left in tears (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

A person who has had enough of their sister's nightmare neighbour has turned to social media to ask for suggestions on how to "annoy the ever loving sh*t" out of her.

In a lengthy anonymous post submitted to the social media platform, Reddit, a poster described how they wanted to get revenge on a nightmare neighbour who has made their sister's life a living hell. The poster asked for ways they could make the neighbour's life miserable, and they were met with hilarious responses like "mail an envelope of glitter".

Describing the problems that their sister has endured, the poster said how on a daily basis the woman living in the apartment below her sister's complains about the sound from above. This all come to a head when the sister was babysitting her four-year-old nephew. He was left scared out of the apartment when the neighbour below banged on the ceiling to complain about the noise from above.


'I need to legally destroy a neighbour and devote my life to bringing her down' qhidqkihzitzinvThe neighbours have been feuding for years (Getty Images/Image Source)

The post read: "My sister is f***ing tough as nails. This woman does not cry about anything. Today she called me in tears. Straw that broke the camels back today after 2+ years of her neighbor pounding on her walls, so hard it’s shaking precious items off of walls and tables simply because she clearly thinks my sister is being “loud” living normally in her apartment that she has been in for 6 years with no complaints from any neighbors before.

Mansion snapped up in three days despite being on fire in property listingMansion snapped up in three days despite being on fire in property listing

"Today she was literally babysitting a 4yr old nephew and his little 4 year old body walking in the living room at noon on a Saturday was too much noise for the bitch downstairs. We’re not talking a screaming 4 year old or one slamming toys on the ground. He watched paw patrol on the floor. That’s it. Her pounding and things falling off shelves etc scared her nephew so badly they ended up leaving home and coming to my place.

"It’s just death by a thousand cuts. My sister’s day to day peace is destroyed all because someone doesn’t understand that during normal daytime hours you may hear some noises in multi family living. And the management clearly doesn’t care. I now want to devote my life to making this woman leave her alone. I have already connected my sister with an attorney to handle things the legal way. But I personally need more."

'I need to legally destroy a neighbour and devote my life to bringing her down'The Reddit user asked for ways in which they could help their sister (Getty Images)

The poster went on to describe how they had come up with several ideas already, including: "miscut keys with her cell number labeled, spread all through out the city," and "signing her up for calls from insurance salesmen, car dealerships, morman missionaries."

They also described how they could post "an add for an old bmw at a REALLY good price with her number listed." An update was added to the post thanking Reddit users for their suggestions, but adding they would not be acting on them until legal possibilities are exasperated.

'I need to legally destroy a neighbour and devote my life to bringing her down'The neighbour is constantly complaining about noise from the upstairs apartment (Getty Images)

One person suggested: "Mail her a glitter bomb." Another added: "Jehovah's Witnesses and Scientology signups. She will go mental, because they will NEVER leave her alone."

@Large-Client-6024 said: "If she wants to complain about minimal noise, give her REAL noise. Turn up the radio/tv during legal noise times, start tap dancing on the hardwood floors, or better yet clog dancing. Then when it's a normal noise level she might appreciate the difference."

Lydia Stephens

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