'I tried a sleep app to tackle my poor bedtime routine - here's how it went'

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After struggling to switch off, Freddie decided to try a sleep aid app (Image: Freddie Bennett)
After struggling to switch off, Freddie decided to try a sleep aid app (Image: Freddie Bennett)

As the Christmas period has ended and the New Year is now upon us, we're all getting back into work or school routines after the festive period. Getting back to a good sleep routine in January can be a tricky task which makes this month the worst for sleep quality in the UK, according to a YouGov survey.

With sleep being such a crucial part of our health and wellbeing, there are now dozens of mindfulness and sleeping apps which aim to help us drift off and relax, with endless podcasts, sleep sounds and hypnotherapy techniques which focus on de-cluttering our minds.

'I tried a sleep app to tackle my poor bedtime routine - here's how it went' eiqtidqqierinvThere are huge amounts of bedtime stories you can chose from (Freddie Bennett)
'I tried a sleep app to tackle my poor bedtime routine - here's how it went'While many other apps focus more on mindfulness, this one has plenty of sleep-specific options (Freddie Bennett)

The NHS says insomnia is thought to affect a third of British adults, so it's no wonder there's a huge demand for clever sleep aids as many of us struggle to nod off.

With such a huge array of sleep apps on the market, it's hard to decipher the good from bad, or whether they really work when it comes to catching some Zzz.

So I decided to test one of these apps to see if it could help me get into a restful and mindful routine for the new year.

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The first test is to find the right one. I have experimented with different apps - including the likes of Headspace and Calm - without much luck, so felt I should try something different.

I landed on one called Insight Timer, a free-to-use, mindfulness-based app. It wasn't on my radar previously, but I was drawn to the nice mix of programmes it offers - covering everything from sleep and meditation to general mindfulness.

Desperate to set my new year off on the right foot with plenty of sleep and mental recharging, I gave the app a go to see if it could help me unwind before bed.

'I tried a sleep app to tackle my poor bedtime routine - here's how it went'There is a whole section for parents with kids stories to chose from (Freddie Bennett)
'I tried a sleep app to tackle my poor bedtime routine - here's how it went'There are even guided meditations with kids in mind (Freddie Bennett)

Like many UK adults out there I have had a lot of problems with my sleep. From not being able to drift on initially, to waking up in the middle of the night and not able to get back to sleep again.

So trying out the app has been a great way to try to get all the issues out of my head and focus on getting some rest without too much on my mind.

One thing I have learned is that a good night sleep starts from your sleep routine, which always starts around a similar time for me.

When I have finished off the last episode of whatever show I am currently bingeing I will get ready for bed. Occasionally I might read a book but I often head straight to bed to be bright and fresh for the next day.

I try to keep my mobile phone away from me as I get closer to bed, but just like millions of others who are too attached to their tech, I don't always succeed. So for this review I loaded up one of the stories on the app around half an hour before getting into bed so that it would be there waiting for me.

Then when I got into bed I would click play on what I had loaded and this is where the relaxation would begin. My favourite section was the bedtime tales as I felt these gave me the best chance of clearing my mind and relaxing.

'I tried a sleep app to tackle my poor bedtime routine - here's how it went'There are also hundreds of soundscapes to chose from (Freddie Bennett)
'I tried a sleep app to tackle my poor bedtime routine - here's how it went'The app allows you to chose from many different practices (Freddie Bennett)

Having never tried sleep stories before on one of these apps, I was intruiged to check them out. On Insight Timer there is a vast array of stories available - from the Winter Solstice Sleep Story to a four part series on Winnie-the-Pooh.

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The most interesting addition to the bedtime tales is that you feature as the main character of the story.

My favourite example one night was when I listened to the Green Knight's Game and it is told as if I was a knight returning to Camelot.

I think this is a great feature as it gives you the perfect opportunity to clear your mind as you are forced to become a character in your own dream. I have often struggled to switch my mind off but was relieved when I felt myself drifting away with the story.

As the story was told by a soft-spoken narrator, I found myself drifting off while thinking about the wintery landscape that was being described as I, the knight, returned to Camelot after a mysterious exchange with the Green Knight in the woods.

This knight story is part of the Sleep & Sorcery series which has a focus on Medieval Literature, but there are a vast number of series available.

'I tried a sleep app to tackle my poor bedtime routine - here's how it went'There is a lot of music to chose from to put you in a mindful place before sleep (Freddie Bennett)
'I tried a sleep app to tackle my poor bedtime routine - here's how it went'You can also do a guided meditation before bed (Freddie Bennett)

In comparison to the other apps on the market such as Calm and Headspace, I felt Insight Timer was more all-encompassing.

While Calm and Headspace focus mostly on everyday relaxation techniques, I felt they were lacking in the sleep department, as InSight Timer offered far more options.

However, Insight Timer might not be as good at providing everyday meditation in the same sort of way as Headspace and Calm do, so it's important to know what you are really looking for before you decide which sort of app you want.

The verdict: Insight Timer sleep app

Overall, this app offers a huge range of practices which are sure to set you on the right path to mindfulness for 2023 and get you setting positive routines which will help you in daily life, whether you are a kid or an adult.

While there are many other apps available I think the bedtime tales feature on Insight Timer has certainly helped me the most as it clears your mind and allows you to drift off with the story.

However, if I was after a quick and easy app to use for everyday mindfulness where I could do a few minutes each day then I might look to either Headspace or Calm which are more geared towards that sort of thing.

Nevertheless, Insight Timer is a very decent app which definitely helped me with sleep through its range of different programmes.

Freddie Bennett

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