101 reasons to vote the Tories out on election day: Partygate scandal, sewage issues, and Liz Truss

04 July 2024 , 17:00
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101 reasons to vote the Tories out on election day: Partygate scandal, sewage issues, and Liz Truss
101 reasons to vote the Tories out on election day: Partygate scandal, sewage issues, and Liz Truss

From Rishi Sunak’s helicopter usage, fury over the Tories partying while the nation was locked down under strict Covid rules and a burgeoning mental health crisis, to Liz Truss’ disastrous stint as PM and spiralling energy costs... there are more than enough reasons to give the Tories a kicking in the ballot box on July 4

Here are 101 reasons to give the Tories a boot in the ballots on July 4.

We could’ve listed 1,001 but you get the picture.
1 NHS waiting lists hit a record 7.5-million high and 7.75m patients are stuck in queues.
2 WASPI pension women denied ombudsman’s £1,000 to £2,950 compensation each.
3 Kids from working households blighted by poverty is up 900,000 or 44% since 2010.
4 Covid VIP lanes enriched Tory donors, cronies and supporters for unusable PPE.
5 Households are worse off at this election than the last one, unprecedented in a Parliament.

Boxes of unused PPE lie discarded near the Testwood Lakes nature reserve in Calmore eiqxikhiqqinv

Boxes of unused PPE lie discarded near the Testwood Lakes nature reserve in Calmore Image: Getty Images)

6 Photo ID introduced to deter the young, old and poor voting to rig the election for the Tories.
7 Mental health remains an underfunded Cinderella service unable to cope.
8 Liz Truss. Need we say more?
9 Banning onshore wind turbines keeps electricity prices higher.
10 Schools are crumbling with collapsing ceilings.
11 Deregulation and unsafe refitting contributed to 72 deaths in the Grenfell Tower inferno.
12 Raw sewage is pumped into rivers, lakes and seas in the ultimate s*** show.

Sewage pours into the Thames at Crossness on March 27, 2024

Sewage pours into the Thames at Crossness on March 27, 2024 Image: Getty Images)

13 Theresa May ’s hostile environment persecuted Windrush Black Britons.
14 Wages grew only £16 a week in real value over the past 14 years against £145 in the largely Labour previous 14.
15 Pot holes have become craters wrecking cars and other vehicles.
16 Workers on precarious, insecure zero hours, casual contacts and low paid self-employment jumped nearly 1m to a record 4.1m.
17 They couldn’t run a railway and privatised trains are a costly, disorganised mess.
18 Partygate. What a bunch of wine swilling, disco dancing prize hypocrites.
19 Most over-75s lost their free TV licences.
20 Johnson’s bad Brexit deal is an economy-crushing, expensive and bureaucratic disaster.

File photo of a group of people thought to be migrants crossing the Channel in a small boat heading for Dover in August 2023

A group of people thought to be migrants crossing the Channel in a small boat heading for Dover in August 2023 Image: PA)

21 Average age of a first-time home buyer soared to 37 from 29.
22 The boats weren’t stopped.
23 Royal Mail was sold and turned into a second class service.
24 Social care was never fixed despite repeated promises.
25 Junior doctor strikes are still occurring in England 20 months after the first.
26 Levelling up was always a slogan, never a policy.
27 Dentistry is so rotten that folk are pulling out their own teeth.

Caries on the teeth of a young child blue t-shirt

Around 27,000 children are on waiting lists for specialist dental care Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

28 The two-child benefit cap plunging 2.5m kids into poverty was imposed by posh boys.
29 Those promised 40 new hospitals remain, surprise, unbuilt.
30 Boris Johnson was a serial liar who jumped before he was pushed out of Parliament.
31 7.9million people had no savings in 2022-23, up from 6.8m a year earlier.
32 Sunak failed to stop the bets in the gambling scandal.
33 Demonising and punishing the poor with austerity and benefit cuts was sickening.
34 The tax burden rose to a 70-year high with little in return.
35 Tractor porn MP Neil Parish resigned after being caught viewing explicit images in Parliament.

Shamed ex-Tory MP Neil Parish admitted viewing porn in the Commons

Shamed ex-Tory MP Neil Parish admitted viewing porn in the Commons Image: ITV)

36 Apprenticeships plummeted to 337,100 from 509,400 in 2015-16.
37 20,000 cops were axed before an outcry forced replacements to be recruited.
38 Inflation was 20.8% over the last three years when the target was prices increasing that much over 10.
39 David Cameron bombing Libya unleashed terror and mass movements of refugees and migrants.
40 Boris Johnson was racist about Muslim women wearing veils.
41 Too many Tories don’t care about the planet
42 Net migration hit a record 764,000 in 2022 after Brexit and never once fell below a 100,000 target.
43 Cheated councils stripped of financial support are on their knees with more in danger of bankruptcy.
44 Trade unions were shackled, although that didn’t avert a wave of pay strikes.

Junior doctors on strike in June 2024

Junior doctors on strike in June 2024 Image: Getty Images)

45 The bankers’ bonus introduced after the financial collapse was scrapped.
46 Knife crime on our streets is a fatal epidemic.
47 Peerages and honours were showered on Tory donors and cronies.
48 UK Government debt has reached the highest level since the 1960s, up from 64.7% of GDP in 2010 to top 96%.
49 152,000 social care jobs, one-in-10 of the total, are unfilled.
50 Sunak looks down on the little people by using helicopters as if they were taxis.
51 Home Office spent £370,000 settling a bullying claim against Priti Patel from a mandarin.

Rishi Sunak’s penchant for taking helicopters has cost thousands of pounds

Rishi Sunak’s penchant for taking helicopters has cost thousands of pounds Image: Jonathan Buckmaster)

52 Tory chair Nadhim Zahawi was sacked and the former Chancellor had to pay HMRC nudging £5m unpaid tax to settle a case.
53 The British Army is now its smallest size since the Napoleonic era more than 200 years ago.
54 Out of touch ivory tower Sunak is richer than the King.
55 Courts are on their knees after spending was slashed.
56 Johnson was slow to spot Covid, delayed lockdowns and turned care homes into death traps.
57 Matt Hancock broke Covid rules in his affair with lover Gina Coladangelo

Matt Hancock was caught on CCTV fondling his aide Gina Coladangelo while lockdown rules were in place

Matt Hancock was caught on CCTV fondling his aide Gina Coladangelo while lockdown rules were in place Image: Image: The Sun)

58 The Aslef train drivers dispute isn’t resolved after more than two years.
59 Rugby League legend and heroic MND campaigner Rob Burrow was never given a deserved knighthood.
60 Hundreds of thousands of kids in Universal Credit families are denied free school meals.
61 Most sold council houses are not replaced.
62 Prisons are almost full and too many are inhuman universities of crime.
63 380 state schools have closed under these Conservatives.
64 More than 1m are on council house waiting lists.
65 Refused to publish legal advice on arms sales to Israel over Gaza.
66 Nurses went on strike for the first time in the RCN’s history.

67 New schools were scrapped by Michael Gove.
68 The old Queen was tricked into unlawfully proroguing Parliament in 2019.

The Queen sits alone during Prince Philip’s funeral in April

The Queen sat alone during Prince Philip’s funeral in April 2021, when strict Covid rules were in place Image: Getty Images)

69 The Trussell Trust had to provide a record 3m charity food parcels.
70 Enjoy seeing the back of crusty throwback Jacob Rees-Mogg.
71 Pay packets in most areas buy less today than in 2008.
72 The £350,000 extra a week for the NHS from leaving the EU ever existed.
73 The vile bedroom tax.
74 Business investment in the UK lags behind the average for G7 major economies.
75 Ambulance waits for those suffering strokes and heart attacks are more than double the target.
76 Economic growth averaging around a measly 1.2% is much lower than in the Labour years.
77 £15m was kept from Tory donor bigot Frank Hester who said Diane Abbott should be shot.

CEO of The Phoenix Partnership Frank Hester departs a conservative party fundraising event in Westminster. Photo Credit: George Cracknell Wright

Tory donor Frank Hester made vile comments about Diane Abbott Image: George Cracknell Wright)

78 Sunak didn’t declare a childcare firm his wife invested in benefited from a Budget handout.
79 Let P&O Ferries get away with deliberately breaking the law to replace 800 British seafarers with exploited cheaper foreign workers.
80 The NHS is short of staff with 120,000 vacancies.
81 Northern working class towns were robbed to fund Tory leafy areas such as Tunbridge Wells in Kent.
82 Education spending per pupil is no higher in 2024 than 2010 and dipped for a while.
83 May U-turned on a promise for a 1984 Orgreave inquiry into police brutality against miners.
84 More than 200 school playing fields have been sold since 2010.
85 Cameron was condemned for a cash-for-access scam on a financial firm that collapsed.
86 The attempted pasty tax.

87 VAT raised to a record 20%. 

88 Nurses in Tory-ruled England still pay for car parking at work.
89 A&E and cancer targets were missed every month since 2015.
90 Badgers culled without conclusive scientific evidence that halts the spread of TB in cows.

Badgers have been culled in an attempt by the Government to eradicate bovine tuberculosis

Badgers have been culled in an attempt by the Government to eradicate bovine tuberculosis Image: PA)

91 University tuition fees were hiked to £9,000 and students clobbered with huge interest on loans.
92 Mr Bates and post-masters still waiting for full Fujitsu Post Office scandal compo.
93 The Royal Navy has more Admirals than key warships.
94 Brits who moved abroad more than 15 years were given votes to help the Tories.
95 HS2 was derailed half built, axing the Birmingham-Manchester leg.
96 Donald Trump enjoyed the red carpet treatment.

Donald Trump has thanked Boris Johnson following his recent article

Donald Trump and Boris Johnson were bosom buddies Image: AFP via Getty Images)

97 No-fault evictions of renters continue, breaking a 2019 ban promise.
98 Foie gras imports were never banned.
99 Trans people are mocked and used as political footballs.
100 Sunak was fined for breaking Covid rules and not wearing a seat belt.
101 Imagine another five awful years under this mob.

Emma Davis

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