All news on the topic: Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Vet shares how dogs react in final moments including looking for owners
Grieving a pet can be similar to mourning the loss of a family member, as some owners experience feelings of deep loneliness and isolation. Here a vet reveals what happens in a dying pet's final moments
'Loneliest dog' in UK is a 'lovely boy' but nobody visit him
The RSPCA is appealing for people to adopt two lonely dogs who they say would make great and loving pets. Riot and Rose have 'lots of love to give' and would make loyal companions
'UK Cat Killer responsible for dead kitten found in park after killing spree'
WARNING DISTRESSING IMAGES: A decapitated kitten found in London was killed by the infamous UK Cat Killer, according to the charity investigating the cases, and also revealed a series of horror killings in recent days - including foxes
Dead dog carried into vets in B&M bag after suffering 'horrific stab wounds'
WARNING, DISTRESSING CONTENT: A dog in Oldbury, the West Midlands was already dead from multiple 'horrific' stab wounds when it was brought to a vet in a B&M shopping bag by a man who did not leave his details