All news by author: Keir Mudie

Olivia Colman admits she 'took a beta blocker to calm down' before Oscars win
Olivia Colman has revealed she was so nervous the night she won an Oscar in 2019 for her role as Queen Anne in The Favourite, she took a beta blocker to 'calm down'
Tories need to get election over with to spare them (and us) any more pain
While the Tories flounder at the bottom of the polls and with major pressure on Rishi Sunak, the best thing would be to call an early election in May to get the pain over and done with
George Galloway vote wasn’t 'a mistake' - arrogant response of leaders might be
In response to George Galloway's byelection victory in Rochdale, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak delivered one of the most bewildering, rambling, pointless speeches Mirror columnist Keir Mudie has ever seen
'People are sick of the Tories, but what if they don't want to vote Labour?'
At a time when it's vital for people to be paying attention to politics, carnivals of point-scoring like what happened over the Gaza ceasefire vote shows why there's a lack of faith in politicians
'Critics say it's a rollercoaster ride ahead for Labour - but the panic is over'
Labour secured a double by-election victory on Thursday after a 'catastrophic' handling of an anti-semitism row. Keir Mudie believes the party 'can hold things together and keep focus'
'Labour and business is odd combo - like vodka and tomato or Crouch and Clancy'
When you see Labour going down well with the City, austerity hero George Osborne praising them, it’s a slightly unsettling feeling. Turns out it’s not just me. It used to be you had to wait ages to see how policy was playing out. Now you can get reaction pretty quickly
'Escaped monkey fiasco doesn't compare to monkey business in Westminster'
This week Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves announced that Labour would not be reversing the Conservative's scrapping of the banker bonus cap if they got back into power
'Conservative Party is enough to for anyone to give up dry January'
With thousands predicting "utter electoral oblivion", Keir Mudie blasts the Conservative Party and the Tories' repeated plots, which he says "are not making temperance easy"
'PM Sunak is ignoring the real will of the people by sticking to Rwanda plan'
After threats of rebellion from right-wing Tories over the Rwanda deportation plan failed to materialise, the bill is now headed for the Lords where members are in a fighting mood, writes Mirror columnist Keir Mudie
'The Houthis might be a threat but do we really need to be bombing again?'
There should really be more noble reasons for unleashing airstrikes on a country than oil, writes Mirror columnist Keir Mudie, but that's exactly what Rishi Sunak did at the end of the week
'Starmer needs to say something people can get excited about ahead of election'
It’s great that Keir Starmer and Labour want the highest growth in the G7, writes Mirror columnist Keir Mudie, but what does that mean for food prices, for the NHS, for mortgages?
'You don’t need to be Mystic Meg to predict 2024 will be Labour’s year'
Judging by the frenzied activity from both Labour and the Tories in the remaining days of 2023, Mirror columnist Keir Mudie reckons an election could be coming in either spring or autumn
'Rishi Sunak is a haunted man as deepening woes signal end of his Tory regime'
Keir Mudie says Rishi Sunak is a Scrooge who hasn’t learned any lessons, despite what the ghosts are telling him - and a horrible festive season is in store for him
'As an election looms, the Tories are fracturing over their Rwanda plan'
Both a recession and an election is looming and Tory leader Rishi Sunak is failing to heal the rifts and factionalism in his own party caused by his disastrous Rwanda scheme, Keir Mudie writes
'Matt Hancock has been beaten up on Celebrity SAS and now at the Covid inquiry'
Keir Mudie says former Health Secretary Matt Hancock showed arrogance and ineptitude when confronted about his decisions during the coronavirus pandemic at the Covid inquiry
'I had pint with Nigel Farage - he's very pleasant and utterly dangerous'
Keir Mudie had a pint with Nigel Farage a few years ago when he was on the campaign trial in Kent - and described him as 'very pleasant, good company, totally plausible'
'Tories bringing ex-PM back from dead is the definition of zombie government'
Columnist Keir Mudie says we can’t continue with these lunatics from the Tory Government falling out with each other, jostling for position while the country burns
'A country run by clowns who put their own interests before anything else'
Between the horror of the Covid Inquiry hearings and Suella Braverman's abhorrent tactics against people protesting for a ceasefire in Gaza, it shows how the inner world of power is a sordid mess.
'It's almost nailed on that Labour will win next year - but there are concerns'
The whole motif of the last couple of years has been Labour is a reformed party, all the hatchets buried, ready to govern. Thing is, they just can’t keep a lid on things.
'People dead, towns evacuated - maybe Rishi Sunak could make an appearance here'
Surely the Prime Minister's time would be better spent domestically at the moment, instead of making a trip to world capitals for an exchange of platitudes
'Palestinian civilians and kids should not be blamed for inhumanity of Hamas'
Keir Mudie says is he terrified by the Israeli president Isaac Herzog who is putting the blame for the ­inhumanity of Hamas on to all Palestinians in the Gaza Strip
'Bile-soaked Tory conference gifted Keir Starmer an open goal ahead of election'
Keir Mudie says we learnt nothing from Tory Conference apart from they are unravelling, out of ideas and some of them stand on dogs - and now it's time for Labour to act
'Braverman's horror shows are a sorry sign of times and say a lot about Tories'
Keir Mudie says Suella Braverman has been taking her act on the road this week to test it out before her big speech on Tuesday and becoming increasingly unhinged in the process
'Desperate Rishi Sunak gambles future of our planet just to cling on to power'
Keir Mudie says Prime Minister Rishi Sunak this week had the air of a man who knows the game is up - and the fact he's backing down on net-zero promises is 'quite something'
'Tories have no clue on HS2 - rail unions have played blinder with strike dates'
Since it was announced in 2009, HS2 has been rerouted many times and more than doubled in cost from the £33billion - a shambles and another slap in the face for the north.