Micro self-care: 16 hacks to improve your wellbeing in 30 minutes or less

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We give several hacks for super-charging your self care (Image: Getty Images)
We give several hacks for super-charging your self care (Image: Getty Images)

Spa day? We wish. Night in a hotel? No chance. A two-second swig of lukewarm coffee? More like it.

Yes, while we all know that self-care is essential to our wellbeing, finding time to put it into practice can be tricky. Research reveals as a nation we have less time than ever as we juggle life, work and everything else in between.

In fact, according to the Office for National Statistics, more Brits are persistently feeling time-poor, with those who have children under 15 reporting having 14 hours or less free time a week. The result? We’re also more stressed than ever. Indeed, The Mental Health Foundation has found that the number of people experiencing moderate to high stress levels has increased year on year from 67 to 76 per cent.

“Self-care is the key to lowering this figure,” says Nichola Henderson, holistic life coach and wellness specialist (coachingbynic.com). “It’s the ability to look after yourself while maintaining balance in the different areas of your life. Introduce self-care and you’ll feel calmer, more in control and capable of dealing with anything.”

And fitting it in is easier than you may think. Enter micro self-care, little pick-meups that take 30 minutes or less. It’s a game-changer for our wellbeing. “Micro self-care is achievable for most. And little-and-often wellbeing helps to get you into the habit of ongoing self-care,” says Nichola. So whether you find 60 seconds or half an hour, what are you waiting for?

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Micro self-care: 16 hacks to improve your wellbeing in 30 minutes or lessTry meditation, mindfulness, or something fun you enjoyed when you were a child (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

You have…30 minutes

BATH SOAK: Soak in the bath for a full half an hour with Tisserand Aromatherapy Total De-Stress Bath Salts, £13.95. They’re made with a comforting blend of geranium and nutmeg.

READ A BOOK: A real one, not an e-reader or a phone. A study by the University of Sussex found that reading can reduce stress by up to 68 per cent.

WORK OUT: And fast. Get inspired, motivated and sweaty using the free app Kic, which has over 1,000 mini workouts to choose from.

Micro self-care: 16 hacks to improve your wellbeing in 30 minutes or lessSoak your skin with a 30 minute bath (Getty Images/Johner RF)
Micro self-care: 16 hacks to improve your wellbeing in 30 minutes or lessRoll the Neom Calming Pen (DAILY MIRROR)

You have…20 minutes

REPAIR RELATIONSHIPS: One of the biggest triggers for stress is a rocky relationship. Try using the free Paired app to improve communication and intimacy. It combines tips from leading therapists plus fun daily questions and quizzes to answer with your partner. Just 20 minutes can see an improvement in communication and closeness.

BRAIN TRAFFIC LIGHTS: “Grab a notebook and bullet-point things that are going on in your mind right now,” says Nichola. “Mark them green, amber or red depending on your interpretation of how important they are – red is stopping you from feeling calm, while green you can let go. For the red ones, sort them into three columns on a new page, ‘can control’, ‘can influence’, ‘no control’. This exercise helps our brain process our thoughts, diffusing feelings of being overwhelmed. Let go of the things you can’t control, and work your way down the list of the things you can to see what needs to be done.”

CREATIVITY WALK : “Walking outside boosts happy hormones and increases circulation, focus and mental relaxation,” says Nicole Greenfield-Smith, neuro coach, behaviour specialist and founder of theconfidencecraft.com. “Studies also show creative output increases by up to 60 per cent when participants are walking.” So when you’re in a tangle, walk, breathe, and see if solutions come to you.

Micro self-care: 16 hacks to improve your wellbeing in 30 minutes or lessWalking outside boosts happy hormones (Getty Images)
Micro self-care: 16 hacks to improve your wellbeing in 30 minutes or lessTry Clipper Teas Karma Mama (DAILY MIRROR)

You have…10 minutes

HAVE A CUPPA WITH YOURSELF: “First thing in the morning, sip your tea – no phones allowed – and ask yourself how you’re feeling,” says Zoe Clews, mental health therapist (zoeclews-hypnotherapy.co.uk). “If it’s not good, ask yourself what you need later that day when you have some time.” The ideal cuppa for this is Clipper Teas Karma Mama, £3.50, a blend of chamomile, tulsi and hemp seed, designed to help you stay calm on busy days.

BEDTIME FACIAL : “Skincare routines are important self-care – they’re relaxing, and make you both look and feel better,” says Eve Casha, chief scientific officer at skincare concept store Dermoi. “Allocating just 10 minutes an evening will prep both skin and mind for optimum overnight recovery.”

  1. Start by cleansing. Twice. Using a jelly to cream option like Evenswiss Edelweiss Cleanser, £23, allows you to take time to work the cleanser in, getting rid of make-up on the first round, then any remaining dirt on the second, and also encouraging blood flow.
  2. Pat skin dry, then massage on a facial oil, which will hydrate and plump. Work from the neck up towards the jaw, then all over the face, always using firm, upwards strokes. Try Super Facialist Rosehip Oil, £16.
  3. Finish by gently applying a moisturiser across the face with the flat of your hand to seal in the oil’s good work while enjoying the relaxing massage. Try We Are Faace Stress Face Daily Moisturising Cream, £34.

MEMORY FLASH: “Look back one year ago today in your phone photo album and see where you were, allowing yourself to remember how you felt then and how far you have come,” says Nichola. “Appreciate that you’re always evolving into another version of you, and, no matter what, there is always growth.”

Micro self-care: 16 hacks to improve your wellbeing in 30 minutes or lessTotal De-Stress Bath Salts (DAILY MIRROR)

You have...five minutes

NAIL IT: “Create an at-home nail-strengthening treatment with three tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of lemon juice,” says Liana Thomson, beauty expert at nails.co.uk. “Massage this treatment into your nails twice a week for five minutes to brighten, remove stains and encourage growth.”

Chelsea winners and losers from record transfer window as more changes to comeChelsea winners and losers from record transfer window as more changes to come

STRETCH: “A simple feel-good Pilates move is the ultimate micro self-care,” says Eloise Skinner, fitness instructor (eloiseskinner.com). “Stand feet hip-distance apart, tuck your chin to your chest and roll down your spine sequentially until you reach a gentle forward fold – bend your knees for support here if needed. “Take a few deep breaths into your hips and spine, then roll back up the same way you went down, stacking one vertebrae of your spine on another. At the top, give your shoulders a few rolls to finish. Repeat three times.”

SOOTHE YOUR SCALP: “Our scalp is an extension to our face, and packed with nerve endings, making for an ideal place to massage,” says Mandy Graham, Paul Mitchell trichologist. “Apply a scalp scrub to exfoliate, then add a little water to make it easy to massage in.” Work from the nape of your neck, all the way to your forehead and back, applying as much pressure as you can to ease tension. Repeat before rinsing. Try Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Foaming Salt Scrub, £27.55.

Micro self-care: 16 hacks to improve your wellbeing in 30 minutes or lessPaul Mitchell Tea Tree Foaming Salt Scrub (DAILY MIRROR)

You have…one minute

BREATHE DEEP: Roll the Neom Calming Pen, £20, on your inner wrists and temples, then breathe in the soothing lavender, chamomile and sweet orange oils.

FOUR WORD MANTRA: Create a four-word mantra, like “Calm begins right now”, then, touching each finger on either hand with the thumb, recite it as you move across the fingers. This provides a rhythmic, calming sensory experience.

ICE CUBE FACIAL : No time for a full facial? Work an ice cube across your face post-cleansing. It reduces swelling, and minimises pores and redness. The coldness will instantly clear your mind.

MINI MEDITATION: Play a piece of classical music and listen hard, picking out as many different instruments as you can. This focus will clear out other noise in your head temporarily.

Carly Hobbs

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