Stacey Solomon's BBC show accused of 'animal cruelty' over tiny rabbit hutch

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Stacey Solomon
Stacey Solomon's BBC show accused of 'animal cruelty' over tiny rabbit hutch

Stacey Solomon’s BBC show Sort Your Life Out has been called out by animal welfare charities after it rehomed a family’s pet rabbits in a tiny hutch.

The TV presenter and her team helped the Fall family during an episode of the decluttering show which aired earlier this week.

Their pet rabbits had been living in the conservatory, but creating a space outside for them to roam was part of the home makeover.

But fans of the show were “disgusted” when their new home was revealed as a two-storey hutch blasted as being “completely unsuitable”.

One viewer said: “Disgusting treatment of rabbits on last night’s Sort Your Life Out. I have two free roam house rabbits and to think of them stuck in this crate makes me feel physically sick.”

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Stacey Solomon's BBC show accused of 'animal cruelty' over tiny rabbit hutchStacey and her team were told they should educate themselves and the public on safe animal spaces (BBC)

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“Not impressed with your understanding of rabbit welfare, please find out and represent a better life for rabbits so people can learn and not inflict animal cruelty on them. Really disappointed as it was a great opportunity to educate people,” another commented.

A third tweeted: “It was very upsetting to see them going from a decent sized indoor pen to a tiny dark hutch in the back yard. Will be filing a complaint. Rabbits can easily be litterbox trained, the family could just have them free roam. I hope someone will educate them.”

While a fourth said: “I normally like the show but this is terrible @StaceySolomon please go back and make this right.”

Stacey Solomon's BBC show accused of 'animal cruelty' over tiny rabbit hutchThe conservatory where the family's rabbits lived before (BBC)

Charity Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals backed up viewers' concerns saying: “Very disappointed with the decision on rehousing on the family pet rabbits on Sort Your Life Out. Stacey Solomon – you need to research the suffering endured by thousands of pet rabbits in small hutches.”

Rabbit rescue organisation Save A Fluff says on its website that rabbits in the wild “cover an area the size of 30 tennis courts every day”.

It adds: “Domesticated rabbits need this same amount of exercise to keep them fit and healthy, as well as keeping them entertained and their minds active.

“Typical pet shop hutches are way too small, even for those labelled ‘large’ or ‘mansion’, so you may have to look elsewhere for something suitable for your bunnies.

Stacey Solomon's BBC show accused of 'animal cruelty' over tiny rabbit hutchThe hutch viewers and charities said was too small for the rabbits (BBC)

The charity advised rabbits need a hutch at least 6ft x 2ft x 2ft , plus an additional run area that is 8ft x 4ft x 2ft, stating these are the minimum requirements under the Animal Welfare Act.

While the Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund (RWAF) said if rabbits are kept in hutches that are too small, it can lead to physical deformities and other health problems.

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A BBC spokesperson told The Mirror: "The family’s pet rabbits usually live outside and were only living indoors for a short period of time after being neutered. They are therefore acclimatised to living in the garden.

"The rabbits have full access to a wide, enclosed garden to roam around in, with the hutch being a place to come and go as they please during the day, as well as a safe and secure space for them to sleep in at night."

Katie Wilson

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