Detective who caught evil rapist cop says 'it's not over as more victims emerge'

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DCI Iain Moor (right) and his team brought down David Carrick (Image: Alamy Live News.)
DCI Iain Moor (right) and his team brought down David Carrick (Image: Alamy Live News.)

The detective who brought down one of the UK's worst sex offenders has warned "it's not over" with more alleged victims coming forward since rapist cop David Carrick was jailed.

Serving Met Police officer Carrick thought he was untouchable while he carried out his horrific crime-spree spanning 17 years.

He pleaded guilty to 85 serious offences including 48 rapes against 12 women, making him one of Britain's most prolific sex offenders.

He was arrested, charged and remanded in prison in October 2021 after a woman came forward accusing him of raping her.

Detective Chief Inspector Iain Moor led the team building the case against Carrick after his arrest hit the headlines resulting in previous victims coming forward to report the monster's crimes and ultimately helping ensure he was jailed for 30 years.

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There has been a knock-on effect from the publicity surrounding the high-profile sentencing.

DCI Moor said: "We’ve had victims come forward," adding other people "have come forward with information, so in effect there’s a continuing investigation.”

Detective who caught evil rapist cop says 'it's not over as more victims emerge'David Carrick was handed 36 life sentences (SWNS)

Even for an experienced detective like DCI Moor, the sheer volume and depravity of Carrick's crimes remain astonishing. He said: "This is nothing I've ever seen before, definitely not, his level of offending is right up there in terms of seriousness.

"It is unbelievable to think these offences could have been committed by a serving police officer.

"The offending was absolutely abhorrent and I'm disgusted by it.

"It's like a timeline of offending, and there are gaps in that, and I feel there will be some more people in those.

"They may feel like he's away now, so they don't want to come forward and I would never criticise anyone for that because it must be awful to be in that position, but it might give them some peace of mind in a way."

DCI Moor believes there is a five to six-year gap in the middle of Carrick's reign of terror, where there are no recorded crimes.

The experienced detective previously compiled the case against paramedic Andrew Wheeler, who raped a patient in her own home and sexually assaulted another female patient in the back of his ambulance, which saw him jailed for 21 years.

Detective who caught evil rapist cop says 'it's not over as more victims emerge'Carrick told his victims they wouldn't be believed (REX/Shutterstock)

He said that the first woman to come forward and report that she had been raped by Carrick prompted a flurry of other victims calling in, after he was charged and his name was released to the press.

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Very quickly DCI Moor said he needed to lock down the case internally, he made everyone working on it sign a confidentiality agreement, and prevented other staff being able to see what was going on within case files.

"We needed to make sure the case wasn't discussed outside, because at that point we didn't know where his victims were going to come from, if they were inside policing, outside policing, anywhere, so we made sure we had a bit of space.

"We needed that extra tier of security around it, we didn't want people looking at the crime, we didn't know at that point, so we had the time and space to investigate this."

Just days into the case by the joint major crime team from Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire, Carrick was off the streets and waiting in a prison cell for his day in court.

DCI Moor said that having him behind bars is what enabled the investigation to really get underway.

Detective who caught evil rapist cop says 'it's not over as more victims emerge'Carrick arrogantly told those arresting him 'I've only been a police officer for 20 years" (Hertfordshire Constabulary)

"That first charging decision, that victim who was brave enough to come forward and speak out, that kicked off the case, people came forward.

"Sometimes rape cases can take a long time to build the evidence, I've had rape investigations that have taken years.

"For this case, it was under control very quickly, because he was remanded, probably the victims felt safer to come forward, knowing that he was off the streets.

"The victims' accounts were so compelling, and we could see the pattern of offending became very evident, and that's how we were able to build such a strong case against him."

Carrick was arrested at his home address in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, where he tried to belittle the arresting officers, and reminded them he had been a police officer for 20 years, but even in the interview room he never let the mask slip.

Detective who caught evil rapist cop says 'it's not over as more victims emerge'Carrick joined the Met in 2001

"He tried the charm side of things, then as the interview progressed there was more of that, trying to be in control, it mirrored the relationships he was in, he had this charming persona and this why people were attracted to him, and then over time that changed to the controlling side," the DCI said.

Carrick didn't give anything away during the interview stage answering either "no comment", or that he didn't remember what went on and to this day has never explained why he treated women as he did.

The officer added that Carrick brought shame to the uniform and the women who came forward, and were prepared to re-live their trauma in court, left him truly humbled.

He said Carrick "thrived on humiliating his victims and cleverly used his professional position to intimate there was no point in them trying to seek help because they would never be believed".

Detective who caught evil rapist cop says 'it's not over as more victims emerge'A cupboard Carrick locked some of his victims in (PA)
Detective who caught evil rapist cop says 'it's not over as more victims emerge'Carrick controlled his victims

Asked why victims hadn't come forward sooner, he said: "Maybe they thought they wouldn't be believed, they would believe me [Carrick] over you and maybe they were just ground down and didn't think they could come forward, there has been trust and confidence issues with police over the years and that doesn't help.

"A lack of trust in policing in general, which made it quite difficult and is a sad indictment of policing in general.

"Hopefully this will start to repair the damage, there's still a long way to go, I think."

He added that the convictions of serving police officers Wayne Couzens and now David Carrick has a detrimental effect on the public's view of policing in general.

"If people look at that and think they can't pick up the phone and call the police, that's really damaging.

"There's a lot of pride and satisfaction among the team that we have got this result, but there is that tinge of sadness that these victims didn't feel like they could come to us sooner."

Detective who caught evil rapist cop says 'it's not over as more victims emerge'He will serve a minimum of 30 years (REX/Shutterstock)

DCI Moor added: "This is what we are keen to demonstrate, by bringing Carrick to justice that if there are people out there, they can come forward and we will look after them.

"It's important for the victims to get justice, and no matter what, we will look into it.

"We can't guarantee that any new victims' cases will go forward to trial, but what we will do is speak to them, capture their evidence and support them.

"There might be more people out there who are still processing it and they might want to see what happens and how things settle down, and there's no time-limit.

"This one isn't over."

Kelly-Ann Mills

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