All news on the topic: Prison sentence

Burglar cut hole in museum floor and 'used a litter picker' to steal artefacts
Graham Gallon has been jailed for his burglary of Royal Lancers & Nottinghamshire Yeomanry Museum in Newark-on-Trent but the museum curator says the sentence was "too soft"
Charity worker jailed for child abuse pics after being cleared of flashing kids
Samantha Norris was accused of “exposing her penis” deliberately to the two 11-year-old girls through the window of her flat in Ringwood, Hampshire but was cleared by a jury
Abusive boyfriend sliced off ear and scrawled threat in blood to girlfriend
Samuel Hemingway from Halifax, West Yorkshire, sliced off part of his ear and daubed the threat on his ex-girlfriend's wall before leaving the severed body part on her dressing table
Moment gunman wearing V for Vendetta mask terrorises hotel staff and customers
A court has heard that workers at a hotel in Corby, Northants were left petrified when Romans Vodcics put on a gold face mask and walked through the bar with a Glock pistol-like firearm
Olivia Pratt-Korbel shooting target in 'pain' as he tries to lift shirt in court
In August 2022, Joseph Nee ran into the house in Dovecot, Liverpool where Olivia lived with her mother as he was trying to escape gunman Thomas Cashman - today he appeared in court on drug charges
Abuser kicked girlfriend's dog to death after attacking her with lump of wood
Aidan Swift was jailed for two-and-a-half years after attacking his girlfriend, threatening to kill her and kicking her pet Chihuahua to death during a violent campaign of controlling behaviour
Mum left blind in one eye after jealous boyfriend smashes pub window
Cameron Farmer forcefully punched and broke a window from the outside while she was standing inside the pub in Hull city centre, leaving her with horrendous injuries
Paedophile teacher who had affair in prison now free after serving half her term
Kandice Barber, who was jailed in 2021 for having sex with a 15-year-old schoolboy while teaching at Princes Risborough School, has been released after serving just half her sentence
Trusted GP surgery manager stole £320k from business as workers feared for jobs
A Port Talbot GP surgery that cares for 800 patients has been left in "substantial financial risk" with staff fearing for their jobs - after a practice manager embezzled £320,000 from the business
Dog owner 'heartbroken' after sitter left her two beloved pets to die in hot car
Steph Pendleton went on holiday for a few days and left Lila and Phab in the care of dog sitter Janine Maloney - days later they’d died after being left in a hot car
Two 'obnoxious' easyJet passengers jailed after drunkenly abusing cabin crew
Joshua Stone, 32, and Ryan Sanders, 34, were verbally abusive to easyJet cabin crew ahead of their flight departing Bristol Airport on July 11 resulting in them being escorted from the plane
Mum plunged knife into woman's throat in attack leaving her fed through tube
Savanna Hawkes, 27, stabbed her victim in the middle of a street in Stockton, County Durham after an argument, later pleading guilty to wounding with intent and to the possession of a bladed article
British Airways killer escaped murder conviction thanks to chilling explanation
Ex-British Airways captain Robert Brown was remarkably cleared of murdering his wife Joanna Simpson after admitting manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility
Man who photographed brother in the dock jailed just three days later
Kane Thompson posted images of his brother - who was being tried for violent disorder linked to the death of a 14-year-old boy - along with 'silly' messages from Newcastle Crown Court on Monday
Man retches as he's jailed for 100 years for torturing brother to death with mum
Shanda Vander Ark, 44, and her son Paul Ferguson, 21, from Michigan, US, tortured Timothy, 15, with a nine hour ice bath before his death - they both retched during their trials
Violent reality of fox hunting as saboteurs risk their lives to stop the sport
A Mirror Exclusive reveals the horror attacks faced by hunt saboteurs as they attempt to put an end to illegal fox hunting - as violent altercations between hunters and saboteurs appear to be on the rise
Man killed sister with samurai sword days after son jailed for murdering boy
Harrowing CCTV footage showed her attempting to run, before Roger Harriott, 56, began "hacking and slashing" at her after she had fallen to the floor
Violent thug who terrorised mum and kids in "abhorrent" domestic abuse jailed
Shanks, 34, from East Calder, West Lothian, was found guilty by a jury of four “abhorrent” domestic abuse offences and pleaded guilty to a further charge of disclosing an intimate image
Dad accused of killing daughter, 5, hated child 'right to his core', friend says
Adam Montgomery, 34, is accused of dumping his partially-blind daughter, Harmony's, body "like it was trash" after brutally beating her to death, a US court has heard
'Catch Me If You Can' drug trafficker spent 17 years on the run
Joseph Morley used the handle "Indelible Osprey" on the secret EncroChat platform - running drugs in the UK from his base in Spain. He's now been locked up
Vile couple caught on camera bagging up Spice in front of young son jailed
Zaara and Rafiq Jamadar were caught out by their own CCTV camera installed inside their home in Blackburn bagging up Spice in front of their small child - while ordering their other kid to deal
'Lunatic' scaffolder drives onto pavement outside club in chaotic scenes
Josh Morgan flew into a rage after leaving a nightclub. A pedestrian who tried to stop his dangerous driving was hit and seriously injured attempting to grab the keys
Depraved Brit mechanic led double life running paedophile forum on the dark web
WARNING: DISTRESSING DETAILS Nathan Bake, a mechanic from Runcorn, Cheshire, was secretly running two dark web sites for paedophiles which featured the sexual abuse of babies and toddlers
Ex-Liverpool FC prodigy facing jail after being unmasked as EncroChat dealer
Jamie Cassidy, an ex-Liverpool footballer who played alongside Premier League stars at youth level, pleaded guilty to involvement in the EncroChat drugs racket alongside his brother
Man jailed for selling fake Covid-19 test certificates to travellers
Danyal Sajid, 25 offered the false PCR swab tests to travellers who needed them to go abroad due to pandemic border restrictions - by selling false documents on Snapchat