'The Tories have destroyed any quality of life we had'

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Has life got harder for you since the Tories came to power in May 2010? (Image: Getty Images)
Has life got harder for you since the Tories came to power in May 2010? (Image: Getty Images)

It’s time we all took a moment to reflect on how this Conservative Government has impacted our lives.

Is it easier than it was 12 years ago, or is it harder?

Even looking back over the past five years I can see the deterioration in every public service I’ve paid taxes into my entire working life. I see the bills I have to face, my increased council tax and astronomical energy bills.

I see the price of my weekly shop having skyrocketed due to Brexit. I see this all around me and in the lives of my family and friends. I can’t access healthcare for my disabled daughter and I can’t access it for myself.

I can’t afford a dentist due to the failure to support family carers. And even if I could, there are no NHS dentists.

Shop prices 'are yet to peak and will remain high' as inflation hits new heights qhiquzidhiqxtinvShop prices 'are yet to peak and will remain high' as inflation hits new heights

The Tories have destroyed any quality of life we had. We deserve a government that works to make our lives better, not inextricably worse.

Rachel Curtis, Morpeth, Northumberland

'The Tories have destroyed any quality of life we had'What do YOU think? Do you agree with Mirror reader Rachel? (Getty/ImageMaker)

Do you agree with Rachel? Speak your mind in the comments below

Paul Speed

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