All news on the topic: NHS in crisis

Crumbling hospitals crisis as cases of leaking buildings and power cuts emerge
Shocking new cases have emerged showing the dire state of the NHS' hospitals as they suffer from leaks and power cuts, whilst made of crumbling concrete
Bedridden mum whose 'blood flows backwards' faces 14-month NHS wait
Lolita Vaciete lives in excruciating pain and risks passing out on the school run - but NHS waiting lists are so long that she cannot get a specialist appointment this year
'I left my A&E doctor job to protect myself - here's how the NHS can fix things'
As new research reveals over 3/4 of NHS staff are considering quitting, the Mirror speaks to medical professionals who have left or are thinking about leaving their healthcare careers
Ukrainian refugee, 7, goes back warzone for dentist appointment due to NHS delay
A Ukrainian child, seven, had to go back to her war-hit home with her mum in order to get the dental treatment she needed. Oksana Martirosova took her daughter Lisa back from Aberdeenshire because her 'pain was terrible'
Desperate patients and medics march together to back NHS in Tory-caused crisis
A major demo over the NHS crisis caused by the Tories takes place tomorrow - the Mirror hears from a nurse who has witnessed decimation and a patient who finds it almost impossible to see her GP
Newborn falls from mum's arms days after hospital declares 'critical incident'
The three-day-old infant fell from its sleeping mum's arms at Royal Stoke Hospital just days after a critical incident was declared, with two other incidents involving natal deaths also being investigated
'I spent a day as a GP receptionist and learnt why they ask so many questions'
Mirror writer Nia Dalton spent a day with GP receptionists at Horfield Health Centre in Bristol and learnt why it's so hard to get an appointment, as they battle NHS pressures and abusive patients
'The Tories have destroyed any quality of life we had'
Mirror reader Rachel Curtis says past years have seen a decline in every public service she's paid taxes into. She says healthcare is now more inaccessible than ever and has to grapple with escalating shopping, council and energy bills. Do YOU agree?
'We're literally on a cliff edge': Inside GP surgery where staff are struggling
Amid the NHS crisis and GP shortages, the Mirror went inside Horfield Health Centre in Bristol where 'demands are off the scale' and executive partner Peter Maynard has even been to the local job centre to find staff
'Simple solution to solving the strikes crisis is staring us all in the face''
Mirror reader Paul Methven's controversial proposal certainly wouldn't go down well with high-earners ... What do YOU think to his suggestion?
Worst GP surgeries for getting a face-to-face appointment - see how yours ranks
A total of 26.8million appointments were made at doctor surgeries in December and of these, 68% of appointments were in person - with our interactive widget, you can see how your GP surgery is ranking
NHS strike on Feb 6 to be biggest ever as nurses and paramedics walk on same day
NHS Providers director of policy Miriam Deakin says the government’s disastrous handling of the NHS has brought nurses and ambulance staff ­to breaking point - and the workers to the picket line
'Tory funding shortfall ruining the NHS is £30billion a year and I can prove it'
Richard Murphy, Professor of Accounting Practice at Sheffield University Management School, economic justice campaigner and a chartered accountant, has calculated the the NHS is underfunded by £30billion a year
'NHS is dying on its knees and crisis shows wider sickness at heart of politics'
Sharon Graham, General Secretary of Unite, says the National Health Service is on its knees but this is just a snapshot of the sickness at the heart of politics in this country
60 nurses quit '24 Hours In A&E' hospital 'over stress and low pay'
Labour MP for Putney, Fleur Anderson, described how patients were being treated in corridors at St George's Hospital in South London, which is the location for the Channel 4 show 24 Hours In A&E
Rishi Sunak's bid to summon health leaders on NHS crisis 'too little, too late'
The Prime Minister will stage an 'NHS Recovery Forum' with health leaders and experts - but critics slammed the move saying 'patients deserve more than a talking shop'
Dad's final words to mum-of-3 fiancée, 36, who died after 11-hour ambulance wait
Grief-stricken James Jackman is begging the government to 'act fast' and fix the NHS after his fiancée Hannah Marie died having waited 11 hours for an ambulance
Former Royal Marine compares 'broken' A&E to war zone as he lashes out at Tories
Former Royal Marine, Brian McGarry, has said that he needs "some support from the country" he spent years serving, as he has experienced first-hand the current "broken" NHS system
A fight to the death for our beloved NHS after 13 years of hurt by the Tories
The concept of a National Health Service is running sore for ideologues who can’t bear to see state-run services succeed. And since 2010 there have been 13 years of hurt
Mum of four died of heart attack after waiting 11 hours for ambulance
Hannah Houghton, a 36-year-old with cystic fibrosis, was struggling to breathe when fiancé James Jackman called 999 and was promised a 'blue light response' but paramedics did not arrive for hours
‘Lovely’ dad, 58, died after family phoned three times for ambulance on Xmas Eve
Iqbal Rahman died aged 58 on Christmas Eve after falling seriously ill. His daughter Minnie said Iqbal said that nobody was coming to help him in his final hours as the NHS battles a severe crisis
Mum-of-four died before Christmas after waiting for an ambulance for 11 hours
Hannah Marie passed away three days before Christmas, as her fiancé says the family would be "facing a different situation" if the ambulance arrived on time and treatment started 11 hours prior
UK running out of cold and cough medicines - but Brits warned not to panic
Pharmacy chiefs have warned of a concerning shortage in cough and cold medicines this winter amid cases of flu and Covid. The Association of Independent Multiple Pharmacies has said shortages are on the back of supply chain issues
Nan, 92, 'asked to die' during 33-hour wait on hospital corridor
A 92-year-old nan at a hospital was forced to wait for 33 hours in a corridor after she became unwell over the new year. She became so distressed she 'asked to die', according to her family
'Tories owe us all an apology for the NHS crisis and a plan to make it better'
Waiting lists were lengthening and treatment targets were being missed well before the pandemic hit. And which party, in power since 2010, failed to solve social care and has again put it on the back burner?