Dreaming about discovering new rooms in familiar places could be sign of change

25 July 2023 , 11:50
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You may have found yourself dreaming of your old childhood home, but with rooms you
You may have found yourself dreaming of your old childhood home, but with rooms you've never seen before (Stock Photo) (Image: Getty Images)

For so many of us, dreams are endlessly fascinating, especially when our sleeping brains take something so familiar and turn it on its head, leading to plenty of confusion.

This could be a person you know who is somehow changed in the land of your dreams, or, as is very common, new rooms suddenly springing up in otherwise very familiar places.

Now a dream expert has opened up about why you might be having this very intriguing dream, whether it takes place in the setting of your childhood home or the house of a good friend. Of course, it isn't automatically a sign that you should get that extension after all.

Ella Palfreyman explained that such dreams can hold very positive, albeit often perplexing, meanings.

According to Palfreyman, such dreams will "usually relate to your own feelings about yourself and where you are in life in the present moment."

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Writing for WellBeing, she explained: "New rooms are like an extension of yourself. Just because a house is built, does not mean you need to move out when you need more space. You can extend the current house so it will accommodate your growing and changing needs; just as you can extend your own personality to embrace new ways of living.

"Dreams of finding new rooms in a house invite you to look at your perceived limitations and recognise that you can move beyond them. Taking the time to reflect on the feelings this dream evokes can help you understand its particular meaning to you at that moment in time.

"Further clues to the dream's meaning can be found by considering which house you are in, the state of the home and its rooms, and any significant objects or colours you notice there."

Palfreyman went on to explain that such dreams often occur when you're experiencing a period of change, whether that be personal development or external shifts, serving as a helpful reminder that not everything in life always goes exactly to plan.

She continued: "When you are left with a positive or excited feeling from discovering new rooms in a dream, this can indicate that you are discovering new helpful and healthy aspects about yourself.

"Perhaps you have felt restricted in the past, whether by external circumstances such as access to education, financial freedom, or a constricting relationship, or by internal ones such as fear or insecurity.

"Dreaming of discovering new rooms may come to you as you plan a new future for yourself and gain greater confidence. Dreaming of new rooms in a house can reveal that there is so much more potential within you than you realised, or to encourage you to grow into all you hoped you could be."

Do you have a fascinating dream-related story to share? Email us at [email protected]

Julia Banim

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