'I’m a nutritionist and this is what to eat to help keep hay fever at bay'

23 June 2023 , 14:00
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Foods such as pumpkin seeds and oily fish can aid your immune system and help to keep hay fever from ruining your summer. (Image: Getty Images)
Foods such as pumpkin seeds and oily fish can aid your immune system and help to keep hay fever from ruining your summer. (Image: Getty Images)

It’s that time of year we love, the sun is out and we’re able to fully embrace the glorious British summer weather.

Except venturing outdoors isn’t always the nicest experience for many Brits, with around half of us experiencing hay fever thanks to the higher pollen count.

Allergic rhinitis - to use the proper name - is a pollen allergy which can bring on sneezing, a stuffy nose, watery eyes and an itchy throat. The condition usually starts when you’re a child or teenager, but many develop it later in life.

Supporting your immune system is a great way to help manage allergies better, and that’s why nutritionist Penny Crowther shared her dietary recommendations for individuals sensitive to pollen with So Body Co:


"Antioxidants are important immune protector nutrients," says Penny.

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"They destroy destructive substances called free radicals, which attack cell membranes on a daily basis through things such as stress and pollutants, as well as just the day-to-day functioning of our bodies.

"Healthy cell membranes are vital to immunity since they act as protective barriers against foreign invaders. Fruit and vegetables are the best food sources of antioxidants. Vitamins A, C and E and the minerals zinc and selenium are the most important antioxidant nutrients. There are also many plant antioxidants e.g. catechins from green tea, curcumin (from turmeric), pine bark and grapeseed."

Vitamin A and Vitamin C

"Vitamin A strengthens the delicate outer membranes of the nose, throat, digestive tract and lungs," Penny continues.

"These membranes are the first line of defence against attack from the outside. Vitamin A deficiency increases the risk of infection. We are talking about vitamin A 'proper' here or retinol, not beta carotene which has to be converted into vitamin A and is not always done so efficiently. It is found mainly in dairy foods, liver and oily fish.

"Vitamin C is a major immune support nutrient. Eat more peppers, watercress, cabbage, blackcurrants, peas, strawberries, lemons, kiwi fruit, oranges, grapefruit, tomatoes. Bioflavonoids - sometimes referred to as Vitamin P - are potent antioxidants which occur naturally with vitamin C.

"In plants, flavonoids help protect against cell damage, parasites and bacteria. They help promote good circulation of blood to lung tissue and support healthy immune function. These are found in peppers, berries and citrus fruits."


"Zinc is absolutely vital for a healthy immune system," says Penny.

"The production and function of immune cells and immune-related hormones are all dependent on adequate zinc levels. A poor sense of taste or smell, reduced appetite, frequent infections and white spots on the nails may be signs of zinc deficiency.

"Zinc is not found abundantly in foods apart from meat such as lamb and seafood. The best vegetarian sources are pecan nuts, oats, rye, dried split peas & ground pumpkin seeds. Vitamin B Complex is needed for enzyme systems that activate the healing and repair of cells. Vitamin B6 is particularly important for immunity – eat more natural yoghurt, oats, lentils and nuts.

"Folic acid, along with B12 is needed to fuel the immune cells that destroy bacteria and to keep up adequate levels of the immune cells called lymphocytes. B12 is mainly found in animal foods; meat, eggs, cheese including cottage, sardines. B12 is vulnerable to being deficient in vegan and vegetarian diets."

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Vitamin D and Omega 3

"Vitamin D is vitally important for immune function," she adds.

"The body will make vitamin D but it needs sunlight to do so. Advice to cover up and use high factor sun protection creams as well as the fact that we aren’t overwhelmed with sunshine in the UK, makes us vulnerable to low vitamin D.

"Food sources of it include butter, cheese, oily fish and seeds. Omega 3 and 6 fats are converted into substances which support and regulate many important functions including immunity. These fats are also vital for keeping cell membranes strong enough to protect against invading organisms. Good food sources of omega 3 fats are oily fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel, cold pressed oil such as linseed and hemp (walnut and pumpkin oil also contain small amounts). Leafy green vegetables also contain some. The best sources of omega 6 fats are sunflower and sesame seeds.

'Your gut flora have a significant effect on immunity. The so called 'friendly' bacteria produce substances that balance immune function. Eat lots of plain, live yoghurt which contains beneficial bacteria. Sugar provides ideal food for yeast organisms to flourish in your gut. It also blocks the uptake of vitamin C, a key immune enhancing vitamin. Good reasons to watch your intake!

"I would advise to keep your liver healthy. It contains specialised immune cells which filter out and break down bacteria and allergens. One way you can take the pressure off your liver is to keep alcohol consumption low. Carrots and beetroot are traditionally thought to be healthy foods for your liver."

A pharmacist can help with hay fever

The NHS says it's a good idea to speak to your pharmacist if you have hay fever. They can give advice and suggest the best treatments, such as antihistamine drops, tablets or nasal sprays to help with:

  • Itchy and watery eyes and sneezing
  • A blocked nose

Paul Speed

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