Tips to stop windscreen freezing and prevent blades from sticking to window

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Drivers are preparing for more winter weather (Image: Getty)
Drivers are preparing for more winter weather (Image: Getty)

Here, in the UK we're no strangers to bad weather, and we know a thing or two about how to keep calm and carry on.

But with more winter weather on the way - and a -10C freeze expected in February - it never hurts to brush up on how best to deal with snow and ice.

It is especially important for motorists to prepare for a cold snap, as nobody wants to be left waiting around while they de-ice their car in the mornings.

Drivers who mistakenly use boiling water might even do more harm than good by damaging their car in the process.

Tips to stop windscreen freezing and prevent blades from sticking to window qhiddrixriqhinvPrevent your screen icing up (iStockphoto)

Thankfully, there's several different methods you can use to prevent or treat windscreen freezing - as laid out in the scraper-free guide below.

Gales, snow and rain to batter country today with 80mph wind gustsGales, snow and rain to batter country today with 80mph wind gusts

How to stop your windscreen freezing

  • Rub a raw onion half on your windows and windshield the night before a big freeze. This strange car trick will keep frost from forming on the glass.
  • You can also spray it with vinegar or alcohol mixed with water to avoid frost. Try a 1:2 ratio of water to alcohol.
  • Cover your windshield with rubber bath mats or a folded sheet - don't forget the carrier bag to put it in once you remove it. Use your windscreen wipers to keep it in place.
  • If its the blades freezing rub them with alcohol - it keeps them from sticking to the window.
  • You can also use night-before de-icer to make your life easier.
  • Bonus tip: Cover your side mirrors with carrier bags the night before and secure them with rubber bands to stop them from freezing.

What not to do

  • Do NOT use newspaper as it's too thin and can freeze onto the windscreen.

  • Do NOT use boiling water or a scraper - one can just freeze again and the other can scratch your screen. You don't want to damage your car.

As the AA advises, do not drive off until all of the glass is clear. Equally, it's worth remembering not to leave wipers in 'auto' when frost is expected - if wipers are frozen to the glass the wiper motor could be damaged. But you shouldn't force frozen wipers off the glass.

When it comes to clearing misted-up windows, don't use your hands. You'll leave greasy smears and a diamond ring could scratch the glass. Use a lint-free absorbent cloth if necessary. Equally, you can also make use of your vehicle's air conditioning, as it will help to dry the air and keep cold glass mist free.

Amber O'Connor

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