Only green-fingered geniuses can spot snail and slug in tricky brain teaser

12 May 2023 , 06:00
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This puzzle really puts your powers of observation to the test (Image: SGS Engineering)
This puzzle really puts your powers of observation to the test (Image: SGS Engineering)

If you're someone who loves nothing more than mucking about in the garden, then the following puzzle may well be for you.

The brain teaser in question shows a scene that couldn't be more fitting as we enter the summer months - a leafy, tranquil garden blooming with life and bright, beautiful flowers.

As pretty as the picture may well be, however, its true purpose is to get your brain whirring, and those who figure it out in less than one minute can declare themselves to be green-fingered geniuses.

There are two slimy critters hidden in the pic - a snail and a slug - and puzzlers are challenge to spot them in 60 seconds or less.

Set a timer and take a good look for yourself below:

People spends month building 60,000-part jigsaw then find it’s missing one piece eiqeeiqrdidinvPeople spends month building 60,000-part jigsaw then find it’s missing one piece
Only green-fingered geniuses can spot snail and slug in tricky brain teaserThere are two slimy critters in the picture (SGS Engineering)

Don't worry if you didn't manage it straight away. This one is a bit of a head-scratcher, particularly if you're fairly new to puzzles, and you'll need to harness all your powers of observation and critical thinking.

Have another go if you need to, and maybe try dividing the scene up into four, scouring each section in turn.

According to SGS Engineering, the tool supply company that provided the puzzle, just one in five people can spot both the snail and the slug in 60 seconds or under. If you managed it, then make sure to give yourself a big pat on the back.

Ready to move on and see the answers? Cast your eye over the same pic again, this time with the creatures circled:

Only green-fingered geniuses can spot snail and slug in tricky brain teaserOnly one in five people will spot them in less than one minute (SGS Engineering)

Practice, of course, makes perfect, and if you fancy trying your hand at another observation-based puzzle, then take a look at this fun woodland carnival scene - which shows one carrot hidden amid the lively goings on.

Much like this slug and snail article, only those with the sharpest eyes will be able to clock the solitary carrot in five seconds or less.

Do you have a brain teaser to share? Email us at [email protected]

Julia Banim

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