Dating coaches urges singletons to follow special rule when dating someone new

Hopeful singles will go above and beyond to impress their love interest - but sometimes they can come off too strong. That's exactly what one dating coach is warning people against when putting yourself out there. The coach has taken to Reddit to share the dos and don'ts of dating in the modern world.
With over 12 years experience, he claims to have seen "lots of trends and helped hundreds or thousands of people" when it comes to dating. Noting how challenging it can be to know when to move to the 'next level' with someone, he urged daters to follow the "three-date rule".

Dating back to the early 1990s, the rule states that if you are seeing someone new, you should wait for a third date before having sex with them.
He said: "It's still about right - [but] it depends on how much time you spend with them as well. If it's two short coffee dates, then maybe not. But if you spent a couple of hours together it makes it easier."
Sharing his own experience, he added: "That being said - my last girlfriend we slept together the first night we met. But my wife, we waited a month and a half. So everyone is different."

He went on to share his top dating advice - explaining how important it is to just put yourself out there and see what happens.
"Getting better at dating is difficult because it's such a large umbrella, encompassing many skill sets," he said.
"Instead, break it down into easier, more manageable parts - approaching, conversation, dressing, confidence, storytelling, emotional questions.
"One of the worst pieces of advice out there is, 'Don't worry, it'll happen.' No - It won't just happen.
"If I wanted to learn German and you told me, 'Don't worry, it'll happen,' it would sound stupid. If you want something to happen, you need to work at it."
For those new to dating or who are rejoining the dating world after a good number of years, he said: "Nothing is a failure, it's just a learning opportunity.
"It sounds like trite, but every single one of us made tons of dating mistakes until we start figuring it out.
"Keep putting yourself out there, and learn from each date/interaction. Figuring out what you don't like is just as important as figuring out what you do like."
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