'Neighbour outraged I ignored the door when they knocked - and said I'm selfish'

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The neighbours are outraged that the homeowner never answered the door when they knocked (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
The neighbours are outraged that the homeowner never answered the door when they knocked (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

After refusing to open the front door when her neighbour knocked, a woman has left them 'outraged' over her 'selfish' actions. The woman claimed that she never opens the door during the day as she assumes it's cold callers, but this didn't land well with the neighbours who were seeking help for an emergency.

Taking to popular forum Mumsnet, the anonymous user questioned whether she was being unreasonable for not opening the door for her neighbour in need. In the post, she wrote: "Yesterday, someone banged on the door a few times and I ignored it. I never answer my front door because everyone who I'm expecting uses the side door."

'Neighbour outraged I ignored the door when they knocked - and said I'm selfish' qhiddqihkiekinvThey said that she was 'selfish' for not opening her door (stock photo) (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

She went on: "We get a lot of cold callers and religious people who knock alot so I will never answer it.

"Today I see my neighbour and his son has a bandage on and I asked what happened, he'd had an accident yesterday in the street, my neighbour said his wife knocked on my door at the time for me to call an ambulance because she's panicked and left her phone in her house so I said I'd heard the knocking but didn't know what it was.

"He looked at me completely gone out and then asked me why I'd ignored her. I explained I obviously didn't know it was an emergency or I would have of course answered. But he told me I was selfish and slammed his door as he went in.

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"I carried on taking my shopping out of the car and then his wife comes out asking if I'd ignored her!

"I told her I don't answer that door and didn't know it was an emergency but she just went mad shouting how horrible that was and asked what kind of person doesn't answer their door.

"I know they're probably still shaken up but I didn't know what had happened.

"To clarify, their child seems fine from what the dad told me before he found out I'd ignored the door and turned out to be a very minor injury.

"I feel awful it happened but I didn't ignore them on purpose knowing they were needing an ambulance so I think they've been a bit over the top."

Since posting, the anonymous woman's post has raked in over 450 comments to date - with several people in disagreement over the ordeal.

One person wrote: "I think not answering the door is a bit weird - I get why you do it, though."

Someone else agreed: "I just cant get my head around the no door answering and no phone answering brigade. I don't know anyone in real life who think like this, it's really weird."

Meanwhile, a different user said: "It is your choice whether to answer your door or not and I think your neighbours are being rude."

"No one is obligated to answer their door," a Mumsnet user penned.

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What do you think? Let us know in the comments below

Grace Hoffman

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