Triple murderer cooked neighbour's heart to feed family and knifed girl to death

A triple murderer cut out his neighbour's heart and cooked it to feed his family before stabbing his uncle and a 4-year-old girl to death.
Lawrence Anderson, 44, was jailed for life on Wednesday after he pleaded guilty in Oklahoma's Grady County District Court to three counts of murder and single counts of maiming and assault and battery.
Victims of family members at the court screamed "rot from the inside out" as he was sentenced to life without parole.
Prosecutor Jason Hicks scrapped plans to get Anderson the death penalty after the victims' families did not want the case to go on trial.
The heartbroken families didn't want to "listen to all the gory details of what happened to their loved ones", according to Mr Hicks.

Neighbour Andrea Lynn Blakenship, 41, was stabbed to death at her home by Anderson in Chickasha, Oklahoma on February 9, 2021.
The killer took out a knife and cut out her heart before taking the organ back to his uncle and aunt Leon and Deslie Pye.

Anderson then cooked the heart in order to "to release the demons" before stabbing Mr Pye, 67, and his four-year-old granddaughter Kaeos Yates.
Emgerncy services were called to the home but Kaeos tragically on the way to the hospital.
Aunt Deslie was stabbed in both eyes but remarkably managed to survive. However, she has been left blind in one eye and is partially deaf.
She admitted during sentencing she "doesn't love" Anderson but "doesn't hate him."
Deslie said: "'Family means everything to me, as my nephew I don’t love you but I don’t hate you – even though I can’t judge you, God will."
The killer, who appeared to show some emotion during sentencing, was slammed by a granddaughter of Mr Pyes.
Quindessa Flowers shouted in court: "You're not sad at all! Don't shed no fake as** tears!"
She wrote in her impact statement: "I hope you rot from the inside out.

"You ain't no family of ours. I hate you for everything you've done to us."

Mum Tasha Yates, whose daughter 4-year-old Kaeos was killed, swore at Anderson before yelling: "'Who kills a baby... who does that?"
In her impact letter to the court, she wrote: "I pray you hear my baby girl as she told you that she loves you and that she didn’t want to die, too!
"And just like you didn’t hear her then, I pray that God doesn’t hear your cries either and I pray that you cry out for God on more days than you don’t."
Police were called to the Pyes' home on February 9 after Deslie was stabbed in the eyes.
Officers arrived to the home and "observed [Anderson] throwing up in the living room into some pillows" before arresting him.
Meanwhile, the court heard Anderson had been released from prison early in January 2021 after he was sentenced to 20 years for gun and drug offences in 2017.
However, Governor Kevin Stitt cut the sentence to nine years following a recommendation from Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board.
He had been on parole less than a month before he killed his aunt and uncle who let him stay in their home.
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