Apprentice star breaks rules and admits they leave show tonight in huge BBC row

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The Apprentice candidate reportedly filmed scenes for You
The Apprentice candidate reportedly filmed scenes for You're Fired over the weekend but BBC have since edited the show (Image: PA)

The BBC have cut scenes involving Dr Asif Munaf from an upcoming episode of The Apprentice's companion show You're Fired, after he was accused of posting alleged anti-semitic comments on social media.

Munaf, who is currently appearing on the 18th series of the BBC show, is thought to have filmed scenes for You're Fired over the weekend but his appearance has since been edited out of the episode ahead of it airing on TV. It's reported some BBC staffers were "left" shocked by the decision to allow the doctor to appear on the show in the first place.

Writing on Twitter (X) this morning, Munaf told his followers tonight's episode of The Apprentice will be the final time he appears on the BBC One show. "My time on the show will come to end tonight," he told his followers. "But this is just the beginning.We thank Him for the opportunity to bring the plight of our brothers and sisters in Gaza to the mainstream."

In an earlier tweet, Munaf stated: "I will continue speaking the truth whether it costs me my limbs, livelihood or life. It all belongs to Him in the first place. You simply cannot shake a man who seeks only His Pleasure. Alhamdulillah for the mindset Islam instills in you. Alhamdulillah for Islam." He added: "They can cut my scenes from the show but they cut my connection with Him."

Apprentice star breaks rules and admits they leave show tonight in huge BBC row eiqrriuxiquqinvDr. Asif Munaf is yet to be fired by Lord Sugar on the BBC show (PA)

The Apprentice star also shared a link to his TikTok account and said: "Alhamdulillah for the journey. Alhamdulillah for the memories Thanks to the lobby, for the first time in the show's history we know the outcome of the episode Alhamdulillah So join me on TikTok Live tonight @ 10pm SHARP as I discuss my time on the show."

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Another tweet from Munaf shared with his 3,141 followers this morning reads: "They called for me to be cut out the broadcaster and suspended my the regulator. Today me journey on the show ended. But my journey with Him is still ongoing. Never sell your faith for fame. Always keep speaking the truth. Especially in the midst of genocide."

"They did me dirty. The lobby pressured the broadcaster and they relented. This will only ignite a bigger flame in my belly. We have Him," Munaf also told fans this morning, as he broke The Apprentice protocol and revealed the outcome of tonight's episode ahead of the show airing at 9pm.

Munaf was given diversity training last month after making posts on social media including writing that Zionists are a "godless satanic cult” and references to the "trial of the zionist antichrist", according to The Telegraph. At the time, a BBC source told the publication "had this content been posted before filming took place, Asif would not have been included in the show."

The Apprentice candidate continued to share posts on Twitter (X) following the report coming out, leading to some Jewish staffers and BBC employees being left in disbelief that the medical expert was invited to appear on You're Fired over the weekend. Hosted by comedian Tom Allen, You're Fired airs on BBC Two immediately after The Apprentice and usually involves a chat with the latest candidate "fired" by Lord Sugar.

"I’m stunned," one BBC staffer has told Deadline regarding Munaf filming the now-scrapped scenes for You're Fired. "It’s got to the situation where [management] are trying to get through the issue, not dealing with the issue, and I don’t think it will pass anytime soon."

Writing on Twitter on 31st January, Munaf said: "In the immediate aftermath of the Zionist onslaught against Gazan civilians I used ill-judged & emotional language It isn't befitting of someone claiming to be from the nation of the most eloquent man to use such rhetoric A Muslim is exemplary is speech, conduct & appearance."

Danny Cohen, who used to head up programing for the BBC and now runs Access Entertainment, added to Deadline that he feels it is "hard to believe that the BBC recorded a programme this week featuring a man with indisputably racist views." Speaking to the Mirror today, a spokesperson for the BBC said of the claims: "We can confirm that the individual concerned will not feature as a guest on any additional upcoming BBC content relating to The Apprentice."

Earlier this month, Dr Asif Munaf was branded "sexist and vile" for setting up a service to find Muslim brides abroad for British men. The 34 year old former NHS doctor sparked outrage after launching University of Masculinity - Muslim Passport Bros, which aims to match "professional brothers of the UK" with women sharing similar beliefs in North Africa.

Dr Asif has been outspoken about his views on feminism in the UK, which he shared in several videos posted on social media. In one video from his Masculine Mastery series, posted on YouTube last September, he said: "A lot of brothers have got sick of feminism in the West generally. Being in the corporate world as a woman all of your life, you are going to rub shoulders with a lot of men. That is osmosis - you are going to absorb a lot of masculine ideals in terms of competitiveness, being blunt - it is a real problem in the UK."

The Apprentice candidate's spot on the BBC show sparked outrage, especially from Labour MP Jess Phillips who said: "This is a vile and sexist attitude that sees women as something that can be traded for servitude and subservience. There's a word for that - slavery. The BBC should have done their due diligence, spotted this and barred him from the show."

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Dr Asif, talking about his controversial service, previously said: "We actually set up a service in the summer, my friend and I. It is called the University of Masculinity - Muslim Passport Bros. We have to help vet a lot of sisters in Morocco and match them with appropriately aged guys in the UK, guys who are professionals. We match them with the correct ladies in Morocco."

He continued: "It is going well because there is a huge gap in what the women offer in the West and what the brothers want. You know women who have very high testosterone levels - corporate 'boss babe' mentality. "Brothers are like, 'Khalas [stop] I am done with this mentality, I am going to Morocco. I have noticed that part of the world is probably one of the least prone to feminism at the moment because even in the Middle East I have seen remnants of feminism coming through."

After the reports emerged earlier this month, a spokesperson for Dr Asif said: "My coaching service is aimed at the specific demographic of divorced practising Muslim men. I do not offer a service for men to travel to find a wife. Rather, my job, as a coach, is to let them know this is an option. As a coach I look at their mental health, finances and fitness, amongst other factors.["

Dr Asif added: "]I believe that for these divorced Muslim men to again find happiness with another partner they need to match with a woman who holds the same cultural and religious beliefs. I advise that they may find this abroad rather than in the UK. The beliefs I hold and have shared are based on the values that I was brought up with."

Zoe Delaney

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