Death of baby decapitated by doctor ruled a homicide as family sues

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Jessica Ross, 20, went into labor with her son, Treveon Isaiah Taylor, Jr. on July 9 at Southern Regional Medical Center in Clayton County - but never got to take her baby home (Image: Atlanta News First)
Jessica Ross, 20, went into labor with her son, Treveon Isaiah Taylor, Jr. on July 9 at Southern Regional Medical Center in Clayton County - but never got to take her baby home (Image: Atlanta News First)

The Clayton County Medical Examiner's Office has confirmed that the death of a baby decapitated in a hospital has been ruled a homicide.

Jessica Ross, 20, went into labour with her son, Treveon Isaiah Taylor, Jr., on July 9 at Southern Regional Medical Center in Clayton County. According to a lawsuit filed by the family, the baby became stuck about 10 hours into Ross' labour.

In a horrifying moment, the lawsuit claims doctors "pulled on the baby's head and neck so hard and manipulated them so hard, that the bones in the baby's skull, head and neck were broken," leaving the baby "decapitated."


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The family has since filed a lawsuit against the doctor who delivered the baby, Tracey St. Julian, her OBGYN practice, the nurses and doctors involved in the birth, and the hospital. The suit cites medical negligence and the wrongful death of the baby. The lawsuit also alleges that the hospital tried to cover up the fact that the baby was decapitated.

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Ms Ross and Mr Taylor, both 21, announced the lawsuit at a news conference in Atlanta. Their lawyer described in graphic detail how staff tried to hide the horrific incident, including wrapping the baby's body in a blanket and propping his head up to make it look like it was still attached.

He claimed that medical staff didn't report the incident. The couple only found out what had happened to their son while making arrangements at the crematorium, four days after his death, according to the lawsuit.

"Unfortunately, their dreams and hopes turned into a nightmare that was covered up by Southern Regional Medical Center," he said.

According to the medical examiner's report, the baby's death was caused by the "fracture-dislocation" of his upper cervical spine and spinal cord.

Death of baby decapitated by doctor ruled a homicide as family suesA lawsuit alleges that medical staff tried to 'cover up' the infant's decapitation (@instituteofpathologylabora2474/YouTube)

Officials with Southern Regional Medical Center issued a statement saying that "this unfortunate infant death occurred in utero prior to the delivery and decapitation." They added that Tracy St. Julian, is not "and never has been" an employee of the hospital.

The Medical Examiner's office and Clayton County Police are investigating the case, which they were made aware of on 13 July, though the death occurred on 9 July. The recent autopsy confirmed the case will be considered 'homicide.'

According to the couple's legal statement, Dr St Julian attempted to deliver the baby vaginally using different methods, including "applying traction to the baby's head."

Lawyer Roderick Edmond, a doctor also representing the couple, alleged Dr St Julian had applied "ridiculously excessive force" to the baby.

"Dr St Julian came in, and she, in the process of trying to deliver the baby, pulled on the baby's head and neck so hard and manipulated them so hard, that the bones of the baby's skull, face, and neck were broken." said the lawyer.

Death of baby decapitated by doctor ruled a homicide as family suesSouthern Regional Medical Center in Clayton County has been named in a horrifying lawsuit surrounded an infant death (Atlanta News First)

"When the womb was opened, the feet came out, the body came out, and there was no head," he added. The baby couldn't be delivered naturally due to shoulder dystocia, where the baby's shoulders get stuck in the birth canal.

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The lawsuit claims Dr St Julian, a certified obstetrician and gynaecologist, didn't carry out a caesarean delivery at the right time, as the couple had asked for.

Prime Healthcare Services, which owns the hospital, issued a statement saying its "heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with the family and all those impacted by this tragic event."

"Our commitment is to provide compassionate, quality care to every single patient, and this loss is heart-breaking," the hospital said. It added that Dr. St. Julian was not an employee of the hospital and that it had "taken the appropriate steps in response to this unfortunate situation."

The suit alleges gross negligence, fraud, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. It seeks unspecified compensatory damages, in addition to covering the cost of the infant's $10,000 funeral.

The couple's lawyers have said the case highlights the higher rates of infant mortality for black women. Dr St Julian has not yet filed her defence and has not issued a public comment on the case.

Yelena Mandenberg

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