'I moved into a haunted house - I could tell something was off right away'

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A woman has related spooky stories about a haunted flat her mother lived in (Image: Getty Images)
A woman has related spooky stories about a haunted flat her mother lived in (Image: Getty Images)

A woman claims to have lived alongside 'ghosts' when she moved back in with her parents after traveling the world. Sharing her story, her daughter explained how her mum, a former professional ice skater, said something "felt off" as soon as she stepped foot back into her parents' house.

Sharing her mum's encounter on Reddit, she says she experienced numerous strange incidents, including strange noises, things appearing to have moved around the house when no one had touched them, and the sounds of a party next door, when the building adjoining them was a bank that was closed in the evenings.

The sceptical daughter added: "So my mum travelled the world for a few years when she was 18-19. This would have been in the mid-1970s. She quit ice skating and moved back in with her parents, they lived in a flat (apartment) above a shop in a small seaside town called Cleveleys, it's about 10-minute drive away from Blackpool.

"When she moved in she said right away something felt 'off' about the place, she never said she felt scared but just different. She said the first time anything strange happened was a few days after she moved in, she was fast asleep in bed and her dad came in to bring her a cup of tea. He said something along the lines of 'did you fall back asleep?' She asked what he meant. He said that he had heard her get up, heard the bathroom door open and close and footsteps."

The daughter said that her mum told her that a few days later she walked into the back room and it was "thick with pipe smoke". She said her mum thought that was really odd as no one in the flat smoked and that from then on the smell of pipe smoke and unexplained appearance of pipe smoke happened on a regular basis.

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The mum also told her spooked daughter that things would regularly move around the house. So if keys were laid down on the table and then went to get them they would be missing. The daughter added: "The weirdest thing she said happened was occasionally they would hear what sounded like a party going on next door in the middle of the night, loud music, people singing and laughing and then all of a sudden it would stop. The only issue with this is that the only building connected to their was a bank which would be closed at night."

The former ice skater also said that when she asked the landlord about the strange goings on he said that it was strange that she mentioned the pipe smoke and the back room because the landlord's father used to smoke a pipe and had died in the back bedroom.

The daughter continued: "There's one more thing that I'm not sure about mentioning as it's not really to do with ghosts and it makes my mum sound a bit crazy but she also said that at the time when she lived in the flat she could tell who was going to call before the phone rang or who would be at the door before the bell went. I'm very skeptical about this as I can understand ghosts but have never heard something like that before."

But other users of the site reassured her that her mother could well have experienced all of what she had recounted, with one poster saying: "I don’t think your mum sounds crazy. I have extra-sensory abilities and things like that happen to me often. Fascinating about the haunted flat she and her parents lived in. Thank you for sharing. If I had never experienced it I probably wouldn’t believe it either. It’s okay to be skeptical about things.

And another said: "That happens to me with texts all the time. Someone will all of a sudden be on my mind and I'll think I need to text and check on them. Within 10 minutes or so they will text/call me," while a third said: "She’s not crazy. These types of things happen to me regularly. I thought I was crazy until many of my impressions were validated."

Paul Donald

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