'I left my baby alone in the car without realising - I've never felt terror like it'

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The mum feels terrible for having left her baby in the car by accident (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images)
The mum feels terrible for having left her baby in the car by accident (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images)

It's every parent's worst nightmare. We often hear stories of all kinds of things happening to children left alone, especially in warm weather. Nonetheless, thousands of kids are said to be rescued after being left unattended in cars every year. On warm days, temperatures in cars can be much higher than outside, with most of the heat gathering in the first five minutes after parking.

One mum said she left her baby in the car by complete accident while in a hurry - and she still regrets it to this day. Writing for Kidspot, she explained she was 'on autopilot' while running late for a friend of her older child's birthday party.

She said: "I was running late for one of our older children’s friend’s birthday parties and was feeling tired and stressed. My four-year-old was whinging when we arrived at the party and my son was in a mood as well. Meanwhile my baby had fallen asleep in her car seat. I got the four-year-old out and had her on one hip with the present in the other hand as I headed into the house, at the same time coaxing my son inside. I was on autopilot."

It was only when her husband arrived that the Australian mum realised she had forgotten about the baby girl. "I was in there chatting to some of the other mums when my husband arrived a few minutes after me", she continued. He looked across the room and mouthed the words, 'Where's the baby?'

"I will never forget the terror I felt in that moment. I was extremely sleep deprived and I honestly couldn't remember whether I had brought her inside the house in her capsule or not. I ran straight out to the car and there she was. Still breathing. Still sound asleep. I cried and cried and felt like the most negligent mother on the planet. How could I have left her?

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"The other mothers were kind and reassured me that my baby was okay, but all I could think about were the 'what ifs'. What if it was a hotter day? What if my husband hadn't arrived and asked where the baby was? How could I be so distracted that I forgot the most precious thing in my life?

"There is absolutely no excuse for intentionally leaving a baby, child or animal in a vehicle unattended. When I'd heard of it happening unintentionally, I had wondered how on earth you could forget your child. I now understand that it can happen."

After the terrifying mistake, the mum has been extra-vigilant when she gets out of the car. "From that day on, I made it a habit to check in the rear-view mirror, then physically turn my body and check for my baby every single time I stopped the car", she added.

"I will never forgive myself for what I did and I know there is no excuse for it. I just hope that others don’t make the same mistake and end up paying the ultimate price."

Jamie Saunderson

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