'I was fined £80 for 'scruffy' train etiquette - strict rules need to change'

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Remy was really confused about the sporadic enforcing of the rules (Stock Image) (Image: Andrew Teebay/Liverpool Echo)
Remy was really confused about the sporadic enforcing of the rules (Stock Image) (Image: Andrew Teebay/Liverpool Echo)

There are certain rules and regulations that come with using public transport services, such as trains. And while we all know the basics, like ensuring you've paid for your ticket and whatnot, it seems there are a few other little-known actions that could land you in hot water if you're caught doing them.

One man, who lives in Liverpool, found this out the hard way when he received a hefty blow to his wallet after he did something we've likely all done at some point during a journey - he put his feet on the metal space between the fabric seats on a Merseyrail train and claimed he was fined £80 as a result.

Remy Greasley, a reporter for the Liverpool Echo, admitted that he had no idea this wasn't allowed. Of course, nobody wants someone's potentially dirty feet on their chair - but surely the metal bit isn't that bad? The journalist detailed his experience below and explained why he thinks this strict rule needs to change.

In 2019, I was fined £80 for breaching the rule, which at the time I was not aware of by resting my foot on the metal space between the fabric seats. Without boring you with a full re-cap, I said in the four years since I have seen countless people with their foot or feet on the seats in front of them, in full view of enforcement officers who merely walked past them as if nothing happened.

I think I was possibly seen as a bit of a low-hanging fruit for the enforcement officers, as a student on my own with a demeanour that was anything other than intimidating. And I said that, from my experiences and those of others I know of, this rule possibly did little other than catch out those who like me didn't know any better.

'I don't want children staying up late at weekends - I really need adult time' eiqriqrritinv'I don't want children staying up late at weekends - I really need adult time'

I'm not here now to complain and I've welcomed any criticism I've had. I said straight away that it was wrong of me and I can understand why there are many, hundreds even, who wish to recapitulate that point just in harsher wording. But I did think it would be constructive to look at a few of the other comments here.

On Facebook, Allison Metcalf said: "Surely they could've just told him and if he didn't [move foot] then issue him with a fine." I agree with this in many ways and I've seen it a few times on Merseyrail train journeys by staff. It'd give the offender a chance to right their wrong, especially if they were new to the trains.

Another reader, 'JonHammond' on the ECHO website said: "Mate, don't put your feet on the seats. It's just common courtesy. And don't moan about it when you're caught out. You were lucky. Had I been able, I'd have given you a week or two of community service."

I'm sure if Merseyrail trains had posters threatening community service for those who put their feet on seats the problem would be eradicated. It'd be like Singapore banning chewing gum in the early 1990s.

Commenting on Facebook, John Dow said: "Actions have consequences. These rules should be applied to everyone ... a group of scallies won't be approached. Yet a lone female gets a ticket - hardly fair." Although John may have misgendered me he puts what I was trying to say better than I could.

Another reader on the ECHO website said: "He fully deserves his fine whether aware or not," which I agree with, but then they said that security "do need to grow a spine" when it comes to dealing with other, more intimidating offenders who may not accept the fine so willingly.

I understand where the commenter is coming from, but I feel like there is a flaw in it. I'd worry that an enforcement officer going to lengths to punish someone who was resisting may be more of a disruption than the passenger breaching the rule.

What's more is these officers probably have to make judgement calls every time they see an offender, and one thing they'll be taking into account is their own safety and the safety of others and their colleagues. That's why I called for the rule to change, because of this (perhaps unavoidable) inconsistent enforcement. It doesn't really feel fair for anyone.

Remy Greasley

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