Ghost-hunting couple in bitter divorce battle 'over spirits in haunted museum'

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Ghost-hunting couple in bitter divorce battle
Ghost-hunting couple in bitter divorce battle 'over spirits in haunted museum'

A popular ghost-hunting couple are embroiled in a divorce - with a bitter 'CUSTODY BATTLE' over the spirits in their 'haunted museum'.

Linzi Steer, 53, announced her pending divorce from husband Lee Steer, 37, on Facebook on September 3 after running popular paranormal page Project Reveal: Ghosts of Britain together for seven years. The spirit-hunting duo famously own The Haunted Objects Museum in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, which is home to a vast collection of supposedly possessed items that the two compiled over the years.

However, since the split, the exes' bickering has resulted in the closure of the quirky museum and the two now claim to be locked in a custody battle over the spirits attached to the haunted items. Linzi and Lee claim that they have had to seek legal advice to figure out how they're going to divide up the haunted items - which consist of possessed dolls, paintings and even a human skeleton.

Ghost-hunting couple in bitter divorce battle 'over spirits in haunted museum' qhiddritriqexinvLinzi Steer, 53, announced her pending divorce from husband Lee Steer, 37 (Kennedy News/Ghosts of Britain)

Lee even admitted to sneaking back into the museum to 'take back what was his' as payback for his ex-wife still having thousands of pounds worth of ghost-hunting equipment following the breakup - though Linzi claims Lee had the opportunity to pick his stuff up. Lee scooped up three 'haunted' dolls, including Conjuring-inspired rag doll Annabelle - that has been featured in the media as the former couple believe it may contain the spirit of the original.

Linzi claims that she realised the items had vanished when she was walking around the museum a week after the split and got a 'gut feeling' to approach haunted bridal doll Elizabeth - only to find that she was missing. Linzi says that she was 'devastated' and immediately had the museum's locks changed, which she claims resulted in divorce lawyers suggesting that the bitter duo only visit the spirits together in order to protect their shared belongings.

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The soon-to-be divorcee claims that she doesn't know how herself and her ex will divide up the items and admits that they may even have to sell some of them. Linzi, from Rotherham, South Yorkshire, said: "Me and Lee were a team and a good team. I'm entitled to everything [we shared] from the day I joined to the present day.

Ghost-hunting couple in bitter divorce battle 'over spirits in haunted museum'The have run the popular paranormal page Project Reveal: Ghosts of Britain together for seven years (Kennedy News/Ghosts of Britain)

"With the museum, I'm absolutely devastated. Lee went in and took some items out of there. I informed the police and the landlord, and changed the locks to protect the things in there. The solicitors said to him that if he wants to go in, I will go with him. If I want to go in, he comes with me, so that we can protect each other's things.

"He removed a haunted bridal doll named Elizabeth, a doll named Scarlet and the Annabelle doll. I popped in just to check things were okay, and something in my gut told me to go up to Elizabeth, and I thought, 'Oh God, no'. Then I went to see if Scarlet and Anabelle were there, and they weren't.

"There's a possibility that we might have to sell some of the items or lose some of them. I'm devastated. I went in and did a little walk around, and for some reason in my head the Phil Collins song 'Throwing It All Away' was playing and I thought wow - it is [being thrown away]. It makes me emotional. There are things that just can't be replaced and that is going to be the worst for me. We have a real human skeleton and a mortuary table.

Ghost-hunting couple in bitter divorce battle 'over spirits in haunted museum'The spirit-hunting duo famously own The Haunted Objects Museum in Rotherham (Kennedy News/Ghosts of Britain)

"Those sorts of things you can't have in a house, and I'm not going to sell them to someone if they have got something [spiritual] attached to them. I'm entitled to half of them, as Lee is, I really don't know what's going to happen. Obviously, it has to be split. I don't know how the hell it's going to happen, but it has to be. Things might have to be sold.

"I've never removed anything from there. All the equipment, everything we've accrued over the years, is ours jointly. I didn't want this - I wanted it to be amicable. I noticed Lee bought new [ghost hunting] equipment, which is fine, so I'm just using ours. He wouldn't come round and sort out who would have the stuff."

Ex-partner Lee, who has been ghost-hunting for 25 years, claims that he is equally uncertain about the future of the museum and says that he feels as though he is losing his 'life's work'. Lee said: "We split up, and all of my [ghost-hunting] equipment was taken from me so I couldn't continue doing ghost hunting anymore. I never managed to get them back.

Ghost-hunting couple in bitter divorce battle 'over spirits in haunted museum'Linzi fears some items might have to be sold (Kennedy News/Ghosts of Britain)
Ghost-hunting couple in bitter divorce battle 'over spirits in haunted museum'Lee said he feels like he's losing his life's work (Kennedy News/Ghosts of Britain)

"I had a big collection of ghost hunting equipment before I met Linzi, and it just shows that my entire life's work has been taken from me. I thought that if I couldn't access the equipment, I wanted to take the dolls. I wanted to take back what is mine. It's also the people who have come before and worked with me in the past - it's their work as well.

"It's very sad [to lose some of the items in the museum], because I've been doing this for 25 years and a marriage breakup is causing so much unnecessary chaos that could be avoided easily. Hopefully, things will work out in the future in terms of who has what. They're priceless items to me, because I've been doing it all my life."

Linzi claims she was a big part of their ghost hunting page's growth and says their brand has exploded. Linzi said: "When I first met Lee in late Dec 2016, the page followers were in the thousands. Since me joining we now have 2.5 million followers. I was the driving force behind that page. Many of our fans have said it's definitely not the same without me. I was not the reason my marriage broke down. It was a total shock when he walked out with no explanation. He definitely is not the man I fell in love with sadly."

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Ghost-hunting couple in bitter divorce battle 'over spirits in haunted museum'Linzi feels she was the 'driving force' behind the page taking off in popularity (Kennedy News/Ghosts of Britain)
Ghost-hunting couple in bitter divorce battle 'over spirits in haunted museum'The former couple are now both continuing to ghost hunt independently (Kennedy News/Ghosts of Britain)

The former couple are now both continuing to ghost hunt independently, with Lee continuing to run the original Project Reveal: Ghosts of Britain page. Meanwhile, Linzi has started a separate 'Ghosts of Britain - GOB' page where she shares her own paranormal investigations online.

However, Linzi has suggested that the couple's split may not be the end for the Yorkshire museum - hinting that she has been offered some 'opportunities' to take on solely. Linzi said: "I'm very empathic, and can connect and speak to spirits very well. People loved my side of the investigation.

Ghost-hunting couple in bitter divorce battle 'over spirits in haunted museum'Linzi has started a separate 'Ghosts of Britain - GOB' page (Kennedy News/Ghosts of Britain)
Ghost-hunting couple in bitter divorce battle 'over spirits in haunted museum'Lee is continuing to run the original Project Reveal: Ghosts of Britain page (Kennedy News/Ghosts of Britain)

"So I thought it was time to pull my socks up. I've got to go back out there. I want to do similar things to what I did with Lee but on my own page and with help from my friends and sister. I've got lots of things planned. Loads of paranormal teams have asked me to join them, which I certainly will.

"I don't want to say, but I have been given some opportunities for the museum that I can take on solely if I choose to do so. Of course, I need to let things cool down first and see what happens there. The things in there might not be worth money, but they're very precious to me. We've got things from all over the world, things that people send us - whether it's a tiny stone or a huge item, I really cherish everything."

Madeleine Patrick

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