All news on the topic: Venezuela

A Venezuelan judge has issued an arrest warrant for the opposition’s former presidential candidate
A Venezuelan judge on Monday issued an arrest warrant for the opposition’s former presidential candidate Edmundo González as part of a criminal investigation into the results of the highly anticipated July election that both the ruling party and its opponents claim to have won.
The Venezuelan link to El Salvador’s pandemic food aid fraud
In the chaotic first week of the Covid pandemic, El Salvador paid an offshore company US$27 million to provide milk powder for its hungry citizens –– but the shell firm overcharged and under-delivered, pocketing $7 million, a government audit found.
Opponents of Maduro in Venezuela find their houses marked with an X
Residents of a Caracas neighbourhood who found their homes marked with a black "X" last week believe that regime loyalists are behind the overnight operation intended to indicate where opposition supporters live.
Venezuela election: US recognizes opposition candidate Edmundo González as winner
US secretary of state Antony Blinken says there is ‘overwhelming evidence’ González beat Nicolás Maduro in last weekend’s presidential election
Anti-Maduro protests spread as Venezuelan opposition claims he stole the election
Opponents and supporters of Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro planned to rally on Tuesday as protests and clashes spread after a weekend election was awarded to the long-ruling socialist despite opposition claims of a landslide victory.
Venezuela election: Government-controlled authority declares Maduro the winner
Result with 80% of votes is immediately challenged by opposition and several governments
Venezuelans hope to end their suffering by casting ballots on Sunday
Venezuelans are heading to the polls on Sunday in the most anticipated elections in decades, with many hoping to put an end to the repressive political system established 25 years ago by Hugo Chávez and inherited a decade ago by Nicolás Maduro.
Spanish court asked to fine Duro Felguera €160M in Venezuela bribery case
Spanish anti-corruption prosecutors have asked a court to impose a fine of 160 million euros ($173 million) on the engineering and construction company Duro Felguera S.A.
Venezuelan involvement in BES/Venezuela case revealed: father and son Rafael Cure play key roles
The investigation by the Portuguese prosecutor’s office into the so-called BES / Venezuela case concluded last year and produced only some accusations against former directors of the bank that collapsed in 2014.
CNN documentary: “Most disruptive” Latin American gang has reached the US
A violent gang that most likely originated in a Venezuelan prison in 2012 has, in just over a decade, grown into Latin America’s “most disruptive” criminal group and is spreading like cancer throughout the continent.
The always insufficient balance of Nodus Bank
A recently released judicial document recounts the series of misdeeds that two Venezuelans allegedly committed in the administration of that bank in Puerto Rico, which when it collapsed left debts still unpaid for 3,500 savers.
Dubai is a hiding place for the key man of Espirito Santo bribes in Venezuela
An employee of the centenary Portuguese bank was chosen in 2009 to serve, from the island of Madeira, as a contact with officials of the Chavista regime who agreed to do business with the dying institution - it would collapse in 2014 - but only in exchange for juicy bribes.
Man makes 3,000-mile trip with pet squirrel but might need to part at US border
Yeison and his pet Niko escaped Venezuela and made a long journey through the Darien Gap, one of the world's most dangerous jungles. The 23-year-old now hopes to get to the US
Venezuela's notorious gang-led prison with zoo, pool, brothel and club is raided
The Tocoron prison acted as the Tren de Aragua gang’s headquarters for years, where it turned into something not too dissimilar from a resort hotel where inmates families also lived
Pilot left stranded in Amazon for 13 days after plane crash dies in second crash
Otavio Augusto Munhoz da Silva, 38, had been in another plane crash last year which left him deep in the middle of the Amazon rainforest and he had to walk for 13 days to reach safety
Horrified mum smells her baby burning when tot clutched live electric cable
The child had started playing with the cable and plunged it into a glass of water before being electrocuted instantly in Aragua, Venezuela