All news on the topic: McCain Foods Inc.

McCain Foods fined £700k as worker loses two fingers in horror factory accident
Tom Matthews, a 33 year-old father-of-two from Grantham, Lincolnshire, was cleaning batter machinery when his left hand was pulled into a rotary valve while working a night shift on 2 September 2019.
Half of Brits wish they felt more inspired - when it comes to midweek dinners
Six in ten end up eating the same meals as many as four times a week - due to tiredness, a lack of time, or a lack of planning, according to the research
Top tips for hosting inclusive events for disabled children and their families
Nearly half of Brits feel self-conscious about how to behave around disabled people - but would like to boost their own confidence when it comes to these interactions
Roman Kemp spends day on farming learning about regenerative farming practices
It comes as a third of Brits admit they are unsure what farmers really do - but two-thirds would like to learn more about where their food really comes from
Working hours and kids' homework top things getting in the way of family time
Families spend just six hours together a week - with work deadlines and the kids' social lives among the top factors to blame