All news by author: Kevin Maguire

We're more tolerant than Rishi might think - we won't give in to his smears
Wallowing at the bottom of most polls the Tories are resorting to divisive culture war issues to drum up support, but bread and butter issues will decide the next election
'Damp squib Budget to be remembered as Chancellor signing party’s death warrant'
'The fight has gone out of Jeremy Hunt and the Tories, that lightweight Budget a wave of white flag. It’s as if the battered Conservatives are surrendering after four election wins'
'Tory party will suffer because of its fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists'
Mirror columnist Kevin Maguire says the Tories will 'suffer grievously' as more and more of its frontline MPs go public with their deranged claims and conspiracy theories
'Tories sinking feeling as 58 MPs announce plans to abandon Conservative ship'
Some 58 Tory MPs have already announced they are quitting next time around but the figure could top 100 – by some counts even 150
'Deranged Donald Trump is no friend of Britain - he is a grave security threat'
Boris Johnson rashly endorsed a Trump triumph as “what the world needs” with a caveat about still supporting Ukraine which is why it’s more important that Rishi Sunak and David Cameron break diplomatic convention to publicly identify him as an unacceptable risk
'Supertato is the new king of bedtime, ap-peeling to young and old alike'
Supertato, a CBeebies show which follows the adventures of "the world’s first potato superhero" even impressed Daily Mirror columnist Kevin Maguire when he babysat his grandson
'UK is world's 21st largest country but 6th biggest spender on defence - why?'
Mirror columnist Kevin Maguire asks where the debate has gone over whether Britain should be bombing Houthis in Yemen, or why millions are being spent on big military projects that don't work
Union leader had heart transplant after catching virus while washing dog
Union leader Mark Serwotka tells Kevin Maguire how his career and life were jeopardised when his heart was damaged in 2000 after catching a virus his dog got from a dead fox
'Sunak's judgment is totally flawed as Cummings wants Conservatives to lose'
Rishi Sunak is branded a "hypocrite with the political morals of ousted Boris Johnson" by the Mirror's Kevin Maguire, who believes Keir Starmer will be Prime Minister next New Year's Day
'Rishi Sunak will try to enjoy his 2nd Christmas in No 10 as it’ll be his last'
Every man and woman for themselves – doing and saying what is in their own best interests – is a case of rats abandoning Sunak’s sinking ship.
'Tory civil war is Christmas come early for Keir Starmer'
Deranged Tories calling for the return of Boris Johnson on a nightmare ticket with Nigel Farage are lost in the past.
'Taking Labour voters who despise Thatcher for granted is a dangerous strategy'
This Thatcher worship to woo Conservative voters blurs the unpalatable consequences of Right-wing Conservatism that people suffer today - eg dirty water and big bills from her privatisation – so lets the Tories off the hook
'Everything Golden Boy Rishi touches turns to dust - he's Midas in reverse'
'The next election is about damage limitation, saving seats, minimising defeat for the Tories when Keir Starmer has one foot in Downing Street already'
'Playing Santa when you act like Scrooge will backfire on Sunak and Hunt'
The Mirror's Kevin Maguire gives his verdict on the Tory Autumn Statement, as he warns 'taking people for fools will backfire on Jeremy Hunt and Rishi Sunak'
'Jeremy Hunt's inheritance tax plans show Tories only care about the rich'
Slashing inheritance tax would heighten the deepening inequality between the have-nots and have-yachts, says Kevin Maguire, adding that Tories have fleeced ordinary workers
Weak Rishi Sunak has not sacked Suella Braverman because he's a pathetic coward
'Sunak shares much of Braverman’s Right-wing reactionary social conservatism and tortured worldview. He too wanted the lawful pro-Palestinian march banned.'
'I’ve read Dorries's book. It should be on fiction shelves alongside her novels'
'People deserve to know the truth,' screams a blurb on the back of the book. They do. We do. Unfortunately these 336 pages don’t provide it. Oh no.'
'The King's Speech shows the Tories are visibly running out of steam'
The Tories are so out of touch after 13 years their hopes are vanishing. The glaring missed opportunities would see a footballer dropped, ordered to train with kids and told told to replace square boots.
'The King's Speech won't save Rishi Sunak's Tory government'
Culture wars demonising refugees or trans women won’t trump an exacerbated cost of living crisis and neglected public services.
'Repeating Tony Blair's catastrophic Iraq error could derail Keir Starmer'
Kevin Maguire says Keir Starmer is caught between a rock and a hard place as he could alienate either the Jewish community or the Muslim population with his stance on the war in Gaza
'Tories putting up a fight would benefit Labour - complacency is a mortal enemy'
Kevin Maguire says Keir Starmer is aware the Labour Party must gain a mammoth 125 seats to secure a basic majority of one in Parliament - and knows he should not be complacent
'Unease growing among Tories and Labour at plight of Palestinians in Gaza'
MPs on both sides of the divide are concerned that Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer are not being forceful enough in urging restraint by Israel, writes Kevin Maguire
'Voters will applaud unfazed Keir Starmer after glitter-throwing protester'
The Mirror's Kevin Maguire writes that Keir Starmer's speech was 'his best by far as Labour leader. He forcefully and repeatedly hammered home the case for Labour'
'Safety-first Keir Starmer is under pressure to unveil a bold vision for UK'
Kevin Maguire hopes that when Labour's conference closes on Wednesday lunchtime we will ­have a better idea of what the party would actually do in government if it is elected
'The Manchester Tory conference is a wake for a dying party'
Watching up close a government disintegrating is like buying a ticket to a zombie movie, with the walking dead stumbling around before the electorate finishes them off