Dog breeds at risk of being wiped out in UK - full list of 34 pooches

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Korthals Griffon or wire-haired pointing griffon puppy is among the vulnerable dogs on the list (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Korthals Griffon or wire-haired pointing griffon puppy is among the vulnerable dogs on the list (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Experts from the Kennel Club have created a list of 34 dog breeds that are at risk of being wiped out.

Almost 10million UK homes are shared with a dog, but several dog species are at risk of no longer existing.

Vulnerable native British and Irish breeds have been included in the at-risk list, and according to the Kennel Club, 34 of them have fewer than 300 registrations a year.

They include breeds such as the Bearded Collie, King Charles Spaniel, Skye Terrier, Curly Coated Retriever, and a host of others.

Dog breeds at risk of being wiped out in UK - full list of 34 pooches qhiqqhidteiddeinvA Collie is among the list of 34 doges which are at risk (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

A spokesman for the Kennel Club told MailOnline: "Many native British and Irish breeds are at risk of disappearing from our parks and streets, simply because people don't know they exist, or because they aren't considered fashionable".

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The top 10 breeds in the UK are the Labrador, French Bulldog, and Cocker Spaniel. They make up more than 60% of yearly puppy registrations for all breeds.

But some breeds hardly register as their popularity is so low and they are "unrecognisable" to many people in Britain.

The Kennel Club added: "[This] is a concern because it means that breeds that might be the perfect fit for people's lifestyles are being overlooked in favour of other breeds that might not be, simply because they are not as well known."

It has created a vulnerable native British and Irish breeds list, where breeds have fewer than 300 registrations a year, including the Miniature Bull Terrier (293 registrations last year), the Bearded Collie (281 registrations), and the Gordon Setter (251 registrations).

Figures showed just one Foxhound was registered in 2022, while Harriers (nine registrations), Greyhounds (22 registrations) and Otterhounds (30 registrations) were only marginally better.

But it was also revealed that the vulnerable Curly Coated Retriever is making a comeback, with an increase in popularity in the first half of 2023.

It registered 45 puppies this year, which was a fivefold increase compared to 2022, when just nine dogs were born.

The Kennel Club wants would-be dog owners to consider the most vulnerable breeds.

It said: "To give these dogs the chance they deserve, it is important that if you're thinking about getting a dog you consider the lesser-known breeds.

'There are over 200 breeds of dog recognised in the UK so there is a breed for everyone.

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'We find that people tend to choose a breed from the pool of breeds they have heard of before, which means that the perfect breed for them and their lifestyle might be overlooked."

Dog breeds at risk of being wiped out

  1. Foxhound
  2. Harrier
  3. Greyhound
  4. Otterhound
  5. Bloodhound
  6. Collie (Smooth)
  7. Spaniel (Sussex)
  8. Spaniel (Field)
  9. English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan)
  10. King Charles Spaniel
  11. Skye Terrier
  12. Retriever (Curly Coated)
  13. Irish Red & White Setter
  14. Spaniel (Irish Water)
  15. Fox Terrier (Smooth)
  16. Mastiff
  17. Norwich Terrier
  18. Dandie Dinmont Terrier
  19. Glen of Imaal Terrier
  20. Kerry Blue Terrier
  21. Lakeland Terrier
  22. Sealyham Terrier
  23. Lancashire Heeler
  24. Manchester Terrier
  25. Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
  26. Deerhound
  27. Welsh Corgi (Cardigan)
  28. English Setter
  29. Spaniel (Clumber)
  30. Irish Wolfhound
  31. Spaniel (Welsh Springer)
  32. Gordon Setter
  33. Bearded Collie
  34. Bull Terrier (Miniature)

Graeme Murray

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