Emmerdale exit looms for Cathy as fans 'rumble' teen's real health diagnosis

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Emmerdale exit looms for Cathy as fans
Emmerdale exit looms for Cathy as fans 'rumble' teen's real health diagnosis

Emmerdale fans have been left wondering whether there is more to Cathy Hope’s health diagnosis on the ITV soap after recent scenes with dad Bob Hope.

Bob (Tony Audenshaw) has been under enormous pressure as he prepares for the opening of the B&B with Bernice Blackstock.

However, he has been repeatedly butting heads with his daughter Cathy (Gabrielle Dowling) – most recently culminating in an angry outburst from the teenager.

Cathy was furious at Bob’s decision to exclude her from the grand opening of the B&B and the situation then went from bad to worse when she knocked over the cake Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) had baked for the special occasion.

In later scenes on the Dales, Cathy broke down in tears amid yet another blazing row with her dad, as he shouted: “I am on red alert most of the time. Scared of what's going to upset you or make you lose your temper next. And you know, you can't hide behind your periods for everything.”

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Emmerdale exit looms for Cathy as fans 'rumble' teen's real health diagnosisCathy was furious at Bob’s decision to exclude her

A devastated Cathy asked what he meant and Bob replied: “You have always been feisty. Ever since you were little, far feistier than Heath.

“You are your mother's daughter, and her mood swings were legendary.”

“Well, lucky for you I don't want to come to your stupid opening if you paid me £100,” Cathy fired back.

“Well, that suits me just fine because at least that way the rest of us might actually get to enjoy ourselves,” Bob screamed.

Emmerdale exit looms for Cathy as fans 'rumble' teen's real health diagnosisCathy broke down in tears amid yet another blazing row with her dad (ITV)

“Thanks dad for making me feel great about myself,” Cathy said as she burst into tears.

Bob tried to make amends with his daughter, but she wasn't having any of it and shouted at him to leave her alone.

After the emotionally trying scenes, Emmerdale viewers took to social media to share their thoughts on Cathy's character arc, with many speculating it may be more than heavy periods behind her mood swings.

Taking to Twitter, one shared: “I wonder if there's something more than just heavy periods behind Cathy's ridiculous behaviour.”

Emmerdale exit looms for Cathy as fans 'rumble' teen's real health diagnosisMany believe it may be more than heavy periods behind her mood swings

A second viewer tweeted: “This can't be just periods FFS!” as another theorised: “I thought Cathy was actually going to attack Bob then, could it be leading up to this? She’s wild!”

“Cathy go on a killing spree! You will feel sooooo much better,” another teased.

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“Cathy's issues seem more #Pmdd than normal #pms. I used to fly off the handle like that at the drop of a hat.

“Period, ovulation, any hormonal changes and I was a mess,” another wrote.

Emmerdale airs weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV.

Got any theories or thoughts on the storyline? Let us know in the comments section below.

Rebecca Cook

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