Influencer laughed as pitbull bit woman at Airbnb and said 'it's defending me'

29 July 2023 , 01:55
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Holly Snelgar, 25, pleaded guilty to two counts of being in charge of a dog which was dangerously out of control, and one count of assaulting an emergency worker (Image: Manchester Evening News)
Holly Snelgar, 25, pleaded guilty to two counts of being in charge of a dog which was dangerously out of control, and one count of assaulting an emergency worker (Image: Manchester Evening News)

An influencer sobbed and apologised in court after her dog mauled two people at a party while she watched and laughed.

Holly Snelgar’s dog Kaiser, an English pit bull, bit Jennie Lawrenson three times as she went to investigate a disturbance at the Airbnb in Manchester city centre, which she had rented to Snelgar and some friends. Snelgar watched on and was ‘laughing’ when the dog attacked her, the court heard.

Kaiser also bit Ms Lawrenson’s partner Myles Waldron, and when the police were called Snelgar launched a foul mouthed tirade and kicked an officer. Snelgar, 25, from Hampshire, apologised for her 'drunken and debauched' behaviour and begged for forgiveness when she was hauled before a judge.

"I will never forgive myself for what has happened, but I hope you find somewhere in your heart to accept my apology, I am truly so sorry,” Snelgar said, weeping as she addressed Ms Lawrenson, who was also present for the sentencing hearing at Manchester Crown Court. "I still hate myself everyday for what I have put you through. I could not regret this night any more if I tried.”

Influencer laughed as pitbull bit woman at Airbnb and said 'it's defending me' eiqrriukidqxinvSnelgar apologised for her "drunken and debauched" behaviour (Manchester Evening News)
Influencer laughed as pitbull bit woman at Airbnb and said 'it's defending me'She said she would never forgive herself for the attack (Manchester Evening News)

The dog could have been destroyed, but a judge said that it had made ‘considerable progress’ and was no longer a danger, reports the Manchester Evening News. It is currently being looked after at a dogs' home. If it is returned to Snelgar in the future, she was ordered to keep it on a lead in public and attend eight training classes with the animal.

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Prosecuting, Katie Walden told how Snelgar had booked the Airbnb on Dale Street in the Northern Quarter, and was staying there with two male friends on December 8, 2021. Ms Lawrenson and Mr Waldron were in an adjacent flat where they live, and were woken by noises at 4.30am.

After seeing the door of the rented flat open, she noticed that it was a ‘mess’ and asked the trio to leave. As Ms Lawrenson stood in the doorway to the flat, the dog moved towards her and bit her on the arm. She screamed out and Mr Waldron came to help, shouting ‘get that f****** dog off her’.

“None of the occupants did anything,” Ms Walden said. “Mr Waldron notes that Ms Snelgar was laughing.” Mr Waldron was able to get the dog off his partner, but it then bit her again on the leg. They tried to lock the flat from the outside, but the dog got out and knocked Ms Lawrenson to the floor and continued to bite and scratch her. It then bit Mr Waldron on the thigh.

Influencer laughed as pitbull bit woman at Airbnb and said 'it's defending me'She was staying at the Airbnb with two male friends (Manchester Evening News)
Influencer laughed as pitbull bit woman at Airbnb and said 'it's defending me'The judge told Snelgar she should be "thoroughly ashamed" (Manchester Evening News)

Ms Walden said: “The occupants of the Airbnb all engaged in aggressive behaviour in the hallway, with punches being thrown and a vase being thrown by one of the males. Ms Lawrenson remembers hearing Ms Snelgar say, ‘it’s defending me’ throughout the attack.” Police were called, and officers at the scene believed Snelgar was ‘extremely intoxicated’.

She had to be restrained as she tried to attack Ms Lawrenson, and attempted to get back into the flat to retrieve her dog, Ms Walden said. When she was put in handcuffs, Snelgar told the officer: “Don’t f****** handcuff me, who the f*** do you think you are? Get off me.” She also kicked him in the leg and abdomen.

In an interview with police, Snelgar told officers she had been ‘black out’ drunk at the time. Ms Lawrenson was hospitalised for three days and suffered scratches, cuts and bite marks to both arms, her torso, shoulders and legs, and has scars. She said she and her partner 'feared for our lives' and felt 'terrorised'.

"They allowed the dog to attack me on three separate occasions by not restraining it,” she said in a statement read on her behalf. "I don't understand why they didn't try to stop me being attacked three times. She told me during the incident she had the dog to protect her. I'm very lucky that I have a partner that came to my rescue and put himself at risk to save me.

"However I will always feel guilty for putting him in such a dangerous position. It has taken its toll on me and my partner for months following the incident, when talking about the attack I would get upset and cry. We have moved out of the area due to no longer feeling safe. After 14 years with no problems renting out my serviced apartments, following the attack I have had to install video cameras.”

Snelgar was not legally represented during Friday afternoon’s hearing, but she addressed the court and apologised for her actions. "I resent myself every day,” she said. She said the incident would not have occurred if she hadn’t been drinking, and told how she has a ‘new circle of friends’ and has refrained from alcohol.

"From the bottom of my heart I am so sorry for the pain I have caused you,” she said. "I put everybody in danger that night, including my dog." Snelgar, who has no previous convictions, said she made money through promotions on Instagram and TikTok.

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Sentencing, Judge John Potter hit out at her 'drunken and debauched' behaviour. He said: "Your actions, Ms Snelgar, in relation to your dog that day and more importantly your victims, were reckless, extremely unpleasant, harmful and inspired by drink. You, Ms Snelgar, should be thoroughly ashamed of the harm that you have caused other people, who were doing nothing more than running their business.”

Snelgar, from Hampshire, pleaded guilty to two counts of being in charge of a dog which was dangerously out of control, and one count of assaulting an emergency worker. She received a two year community order, and was ordered to complete 125 hours of unpaid work, and 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

The judge ordered Snelgar to pay Ms Lawrenson £300 in compensation, and pay £200 to Mr Waldron.

Andrew Bardsley

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