TV presenter quits GMB to join GB News with dig at 'intolerant people'

24 July 2023 , 10:07
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TV presenter quits GMB to join GB News with dig at
TV presenter quits GMB to join GB News with dig at 'intolerant people'

Good Morning Britain news correspondent Pip Tomson has taken a swipe at ‘intolerant members of the Be Kind ’brigade’ after quitting the ITV show to take up a role at GB News.

The 45-year-old broadcaster has had a long working relationship at ITV - having worked at GMTV in 2009, Daybreak in 2010 and joining the Good Morning Britain team in 2013.

But now, after ten years of service to the ITV morning news show, Pip has decided to take a leap of faith to enjoy a new role at GB News where she will be able to work more sociable hours and share stories that she thinks will appeal to an unrepresented viewership.

After deciding to take on her new role, Pip was bombarded with questions from fans who wondered why she would turn down her role at ITV for a new position at GB News - which is regarded by many as a controversial news outlet with a right-leaning narrative.

TV presenter quits GMB to join GB News with dig at 'intolerant people' eiqetidzqidqkinvPip Tomson has switched Good Morning Britain for GB News (ITV)

Addressing the concerns of her fans, Pip penned an article explaining exactly why she was turning her back on ITV for a new venture.

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She wrote: “Here I am. A presenter and journalist - now at GB News - who’s relishing the opportunity to challenge and hold to account the powerful types and offer a voice to those who want to be heard but are thoroughly disillusioned so don’t bother to engage.

“I want to help change that and redress the balance, without fear or favour. I’m a people person which is why I became a journalist in the first place.”

Pip admits she was unsure if she should take on the role or not - and is aware of the ‘controversial’ label that GB News carriers.

She addressed this head on, sharing her concerns, and writing: “I was also well aware of the flak directed at GB News.

“Much of it from those types who profess that they’re tolerant members of the ‘Be Kind’ brigade (yawn) but are actually some of the most intolerant people you could ever hope to meet if you don’t profess to share their views.”

She also hinted that a major TV star encouraged her to take on the role.

Pip explained: “I sought out the advice of some of the less tribal folk including one of the most famous broadcasters in the business.

“I don’t want to name them but they’ve always been incredibly generous in terms of advice, feedback, reflections on the industry and how to deal with those delightful social media trolls.

“‘It’s a no brainer,’ came the answer. ‘You’ve got to do it. It’s very exciting for you and a proper adventure’.”

The early morning TV star went on to explain that she is looking forward to more regular work hours as she will be co-helming an afternoon news show that begins airing at midday, rather than reporting on location before the sun has even risen.

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The Live Desk with Mark Longhurst airs on GB News, week days Noon-3pm.

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