Symptoms and severity of bacterial infections as Madonna leaves intensive care

30 June 2023 , 13:29
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Madonna is recovering from a "serious bacterial infection" (Image: Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
Madonna is recovering from a "serious bacterial infection" (Image: Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

Pop icon Madonna, 64, was recently admitted into intensive care for several days after developing a "serious bacterial infection".

Although she is now out of hospital and on the mend, her manager Guy Oseary wrote in a post on Instagram at the time: "On Saturday June 24, Madonna developed a serious bacterial infection which led to a several-day stay in the ICU (intensive care unit).

"Her health is improving, however she is still under medical care. A full recovery is expected.

"At this time we will need to pause all commitments, which includes the tour. We will share more details with you soon as we have them, including a new start date for the tour and for rescheduled shows."

The star's forthcoming Celebration Tour of North America and Europe was due to kick off next month in Canada to mark her four-decade-long career.

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But, what exactly are bacterial infections - and when can they become serious?

What is a bacterial infection?

There are millions of bacteria all around us - and they aren't always harmful. In fact some can be beneficial such as bacteria in the gut that helps us digest food).

But certain types of bacteria can pose a threat if they enter the body or bloodstream via a cut or bug bite or contaminated food, for example, or if bacteria begins multiplying in a part of the body where it's not meant to be.

Bacterial infections can potentially affect any part of the body, including the skin, blood, brain and lungs. They may cause mild symptoms and illness, but in some cases can lead to serious complications - including sepsis which is life threatening.

What are the different types of bacterial infections?

Every human organ is susceptible to bacterial infections, but each type of bacteria has a tendency to infect certain organs and not others.

"Most of the common infections we've heard about that require antibiotics are bacterial, and they will include pneumonia, chest infection, and urinary tract infection," said Dr Ron Daniels, founder and joint CEO of the UK Sepsis Trust.

"Problems in the abdomen, such as a burst ulcer will often be complicated by bacterial infection too. And then things like cellulitis, skin infections are commonly caused by bacteria."

What are the symptoms of a bacterial infection?

There are various signs and symptoms that can help identify a bacterial infection, but as a general rule of thumb, it depends on where in the body the infection occurs.

"With any infection, potential symptoms could be a raised temperature, so a high fever which could also be associated with violent shivering and shaking," said Dr Suhail Hussain, a personal physician and private home visiting GP.

"Oddly, you may feel very cold as well. Your pulse may go up - an indication of your body trying to cope - and blood pressure may be affected.

"You could feel lethargic too but when things escalate and your cardiovascular system is compromised, this will put you at risk of something called sepsis."

If the infection has started via the skin or near the skin's surface, there will often be obvious indicators such as redness, swelling, soreness and pus in the affected area.

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How serious can a bacterial infection be?

Dr Daniels, who is also an intensive care doctor, said people need to be aware of the risks of sepsis - the body's extreme response to infections - because some bacterial infections will trigger it.

According to the UK Sepsis Trust, in the UK, sepsis is estimated to affect 245,000 people each year, claiming as many as 48,000 lives.
If people identify any of these symptoms in themselves or a loved one, they should go straight to A&E.

Symptoms and severity of bacterial infections as Madonna leaves intensive careThankfully Madonna is feeling better since her hospital visit (AFP via Getty Images)

Daniels explained, "Slurred speech or confusion, extreme pain in the muscles or joints, the passing of no urine in a day, severe breathlessness, if it feels like you are going to die, and if skin is mottled - a marbling effect on the skin but for people with darker pigmented skin it's important to check inside of the forearm - discoloured and very pale."

What's the recovery like?

Most bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics that can be taken at home, according to Dr Sunny Jutla, a specialist digital clinician at Medichecks and consultant in emergency medicine.

"But if you develop sepsis, you need to be treated in a hospital. In this case, you would receive IV antibiotics and fluids.

"Patients that are incredibly unwell would also need to be admitted to intensive care, where they would receive multi-organ support," Jutla said.

With the correct and prompt treatment for sepsis, there is a very good chance of survival. "But the reality is, even in a developed country like the UK, still around one in five people who develop sepsis will not survive that illness," Daniels said - which is why getting appropriate medical help as quickly as possible is vital.

And for people who do survive, there can be long term after-effects which develop due to post sepsis syndrome. This can include cognitive dysfunction, like brain fog.

"There are also physical problems, most commonly fatigue, lack of ability to exercise, brittle nails and hair and even psychological consequences including PTSD." said Daniels.

Lydia Veljanovski

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