Newborn baby dies after 'stressed staff fail to monitor heartbeat during labour'

28 June 2023 , 19:38
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Isabelle Stephens failed to take her first breath and tragically died as she was being delivered at the birthing unit at the Royal Cornwall Hospital (Image: SUPPLY FEE - BPM MEDIA)
Isabelle Stephens failed to take her first breath and tragically died as she was being delivered at the birthing unit at the Royal Cornwall Hospital (Image: SUPPLY FEE - BPM MEDIA)

A newborn baby girl died after 'stressed' staff failed to correctly monitor her heartbeat during labour, an inquest heard.

Isabelle Stephens failed to take her first breath and tragically died as she was being delivered at the birthing unit at the Royal Cornwall Hospital.

An inquest into her death heard that midwives were stressed and being pulled in and out of rooms to deal with several mums in various stages of giving birth at once and did not give their full attention to Isabelle and her mum and dad Emily Bullock and Oliver Stephens.

A report by the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) looking at what happened that Sunday on September 19, 2021, revealed that there were gaps in the monitoring of Isabelle's heartbeat throughout phases one and two of labour leading to her birth.

The report also said that the various heart monitoring readings had been done to such an extent that they had probably given a false picture of the situation, which, in turn, led to delays in bringing her out sooner and attempting resuscitation much quicker and with the right emergency team in place, reports Cornwall Live.

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Isabelle's cause of death was established as perinatal asphyxia, or lack of oxygen at the moment of delivery. The inquest heard that when Isabelle was born and an emergency team finally sprung into action they could not resuscitate her. She died minutes after being born.

The first day of the two-day inquest into Isabelle's death heard from midwives Louise Pouget and Jane Urben who looked after Emily that day. Ms Urben told the hearing held in Truro today (June 28) that regular vaginal examinations, heart monitoring and the strength and length of contractions are used to determine the different stages of labour.

The report by the HSIB showed that some of those checks were delayed with sometimes gaps of two hours between each check, or done late or not according to the guidance in place and gave a false impression of the stage of labour mum Emily, from Liskeard, was at.

It was heard that heart rate changes in a baby about to be born are normal because of the stress of birth itself, so long as they return to an established baseline. When they don't then additional monitoring must be undertaken and emergency support called for as the birth may have to be brought forward.

However it was heard that Isabelle's dropping heart rate of 150 beats per minute (bpm), to 105 bpm then 60 bpm which should have precipitated emergency action. An emergency cord should have been pulled, a resuscitation machine should have been brought into the room and more staff including an emergency team should have been called in more quickly.

The HSIB report said Isabelle's heart rate was not monitored appropriately throughout the whole labour which gave an inaccurate reading and led to Isabelle coming into the birthing pool too quickly without the appropriate level of support and preparedness in place around her and Emily.

It even said that had appropriate foetal heart monitoring been conducted properly throughout, the outcome would have been different.

Ms Urben told the inquest that at one time, even though birth was near, she moved into the birthing suite and did not feel any sense of urgency because of the reassurances she had been given by her colleague Ms Pouget.

She said: "The low heart rate should have required immediate action that didn't take place. There should have been better osculation of the baby's heart rate and as soon as it dropped to 105 bpm the emergency bell should have been pulled with a view that Isabelle needed immediate delivery. But what was relayed to me was that everything was fine and Emily was doing great and was comfortable."

In a statement read out at the hearing, Ms Pouget, a midwife with more than 22 years' experience, who was not in court because of the impact Isabelle's death has had on her mental health since, painted a picture of stress and chaos at Cornwall's main maternity unit.

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The midwife, who has since left the profession, blamed the human error she made on the day on high stress levels brought on by what she called "unsafe levels of staffing" leading to staff being pulled in all directions and not being able to focus their sole attention on one mother and baby at a time as should be best practice.

Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust director of midwifery Sally Britton denied there were inadequate or unsafe levels of staffing that day, insisting there were enough midwives, supporting staff and consultants working that day as per the guidelines.

In her statement, Ms Pouget said she asked for more staffing support but that was not forthcoming, adding that when she came on shift that morning the birthing unit was at capacity and the night shift were "shattered and felt that the unit was unsafe".

Ms Pouget added: "I was being pulled in all directions. My decision making was being impaired as I was being called out constantly. On one occasion I was called to another room where a mother was just about giving birth. I just about caught the baby before it was born on the floor.

"I needed frontline midwives who know how the process works to help not the head of midwifery constantly asking for my help."

Her statement added: "I made a massive error of judgement. The stress I was under impacted my decision making when Emily was in the birthing pool. I understand how Emily and Ollie's world imploded that day. My world did too. It is something I will have to live with for the rest of my life."

The inquest is expected to conclude tomorrow.

Olivier Vergnault

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