Curious orangutan 'asks' to see baby then 'kisses' zoo enclosure glass

31 May 2023 , 12:11
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Curious orangutan
Curious orangutan 'asks' to see baby then 'kisses' zoo enclosure glass

This is the adorable moment a curious orangutan knocks on the glass of her zoo enclosure so she can inspect a human baby visiting her.

The three-month-old boy was being held by his grandma as the family visited Louisville Zoo in Kentucky, US.

Mum Kayla Jaylen Natsiss filmed the heart-warming interaction when her mother brought the infant closer to the glass so the orangutan could get a closer look.

The slow moving orangutan first attracts the family's attention by knocking on the window as if she was knocking at a front door.

As gran brings the baby down, the primate leans toward the glass to inspect the baby, and at one point the primate even appears to kiss the glass before looking away.

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Curious orangutan 'asks' to see baby then 'kisses' zoo enclosure glassThe baby being lowered towards the orangutan (Kayla Jaylen Natsis via Storyful)

The interaction led to coos from the crowd, with many in awe over the heart-warming moment. .

"We brought him over so she could see him and she kissed the glass two times," Kayla told Storyful.

"Everyone there, including us, thought it was the cutest thing ever!"

Some social media users identified the orangutan as 35-year-old, Amber.

According to the zoo's website Amber is known for her playful personality.

It read: "She enjoys interacting with guests and may tap the glass to grab the attention of those nearby, pointing out sparkling accessories, brightly coloured fingernails, or gesturing towards a purse or backpack to see what’s inside."

Curious orangutan 'asks' to see baby then 'kisses' zoo enclosure glassThe orangutan knocks against the glass to capture the family's attention (Kayla Jaylen Natsis via Storyful)

The Louisville Zoo is home to four orangutans — Teak, Amber, Segundo and Bella.

A TikTok video posted earlier this month shows an orangutan, who appears to be Amber, gesturing towards a guest, pointing to their purse wanting to see what's inside.

Another social media post shows her asking to see a guest's two-week-old baby.

The orangutans are no strangers to the limelight, with Teak and Amber even appearing on the late night David Letterman Show.

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According to Michigan State University Animal Legal and Historical Centre, orangutans are classified as “inherently dangerous” exotic wildlife by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (DFWR).

The name "orangutan" means "man of the forest" in the Malay language, the World Wildlife Fund says on its website.

In the wild, in the lowland forests, orangutans live "solitary existences," the website also notes.

The bond between an orangutan mother and her young "is one of the strongest in nature."

Charlie Jones

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