Husband of bride killed minutes after wedding now awake and planning her funeral

09 May 2023 , 22:18
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Aric Hutchinson in hospital being comforted by a family member. Picture from GoFundMe (Image: eyJpdiI6InNBNENBNjNucVhPMDhKUTlJTXVNeXc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiaXkzQlB6ZmIzMGZ2Wm14alMxejM2RnEzclVLU2J6dnVjdnBrUU9rQnhtenkwK2tjSHBTMVZmTTByU0k4LzUwWCIsIm1hYyI6ImMzOGZjZTg3OGJiZjVjZjM5NzlhYWZmZTg0ODc1ODY1NTIz)
Aric Hutchinson in hospital being comforted by a family member. Picture from GoFundMe (Image: eyJpdiI6InNBNENBNjNucVhPMDhKUTlJTXVNeXc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiaXkzQlB6ZmIzMGZ2Wm14alMxejM2RnEzclVLU2J6dnVjdnBrUU9rQnhtenkwK2tjSHBTMVZmTTByU0k4LzUwWCIsIm1hYyI6ImMzOGZjZTg3OGJiZjVjZjM5NzlhYWZmZTg0ODc1ODY1NTIz)

The husband of a bride killed on her wedding day has woken up from a critical condition - and is now planning his beloved wife's funeral.

Samantha 'Sam' Hutchinson, 34, and Aric Hutchinson, 36, were leaving their wedding reception in a golf cart in Folly Beach, South Carolina, on April 28, when they were allegedly crashed into by drunk-driver Jamie Komoroski, 25.

The beaming bride tragically died at the scene while wearing her white wedding dress as husband Aric was rushed to hospital with severe injuries.

He suffered multiple injuries including two broken legs, one which had to be surgically repaired.

Husband of bride killed minutes after wedding now awake and planning her funeral eiqrridrdidetinvSamantha was killed just moments after this picture was taken. (GoFundMe)

In addition, he had broken bones in his face which also had to be surgically repaired along with broken vertebrae’s in his back, brain bleeds, and numerous cuts with stitches.

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He is now at home recovering while also trying to recover from the unbearable pain of losing his wife.

And after spending months planning their dream wedding, Aric is now planning Samantha's funeral, according to his mum.

Husband of bride killed minutes after wedding now awake and planning her funeralThe newlyweds had just tied the knot. Picture shared by family on GoFundMe. (eyJpdiI6InJIeUlhY0JKd1J1YWloSmk1WmF1T1E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoibjJtTDhkVmhpc0R1WW1DUUtZLytpVjRrQnZSU1YyVS9OeG15Mks0S0dWTitsSDQvdWZoOVpOMDNIcCtrNTF4bCIsIm1hYyI6IjFmMjg1ZWYyNDg3N2E1ODc0ZTZkOWY3MDMxMTVlNjYwYTk0)

Annette Hutchinson posted on their GoFundMe page: "We are missing Sam more than anything, she instantly fit into our family from the first day Aric and Sam met, she was everything to my son and changed him for the better.

"She could light up a room with her presence and had an ease about her.

"They shared many hopes and dreams for their future including children and building a house.

"He is physically recovering at home while trying to come to terms with the loss of his beautiful wife. Now he is doing the unimaginable of planning Sam’s funeral along with her family."

Husband of bride killed minutes after wedding now awake and planning her funeralAric is now at home recovering and planning his wife's funeral (GoFundMe)

Authorities claim Ms Komoroski was going over the speed limit in her rented Toyota Camry along a poorly lit residential street when the car crashed into the newlyweds vehicle.

The suspect was drunk and going at 65mph in a 25mph zone when she allegedly crashed into the married couple.

The car was thrown over 100 yards on impact and rolled over several times, according to police.

Husband of bride killed minutes after wedding now awake and planning her funeralJamie Komoroski is accused of driving under the influence causing death (AP)
Husband of bride killed minutes after wedding now awake and planning her funeralThe happy couple on their wedding day (Michael D Peifer/Facebook)

Ms Komoroski, who was not injured in the crash, claims she had drunk a beer and a tequila shot before getting in the car and allegedly crashing into the newlyweds.

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And when asked by officers to describe how drunk she was on an impairment scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being sober), she ranked herself an 8.

The suspect reportedly smelled of alcohol but “strongly refused” a sobriety test at the scene of the crash, according to cops.

However, a judge has since signed a warrant for two vials of blood to be drawn from Ms Komoroski which will show her blood alcohol level the night of the crash.

Andrew Gilreath, director of the Folly Beach Public Safety Department, said officers are interviewing local residents and bar owners to try and piece together her movements prior to the crash.

In addition, they are going over old credit card receipts and recovering data from Ms Komoroski’s phone to check her whereabouts.

The suspect remains in jail in North Carolina after being denied bail.

Liam Buckler

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