Police hunt sex fiend after girl, 13, assaulted while walking in woods

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Police hunt sex fiend after girl, 13, assaulted while walking in woods
Police hunt sex fiend after girl, 13, assaulted while walking in woods

A 13-year-old girl who was sexually assaulted had been using a popular walk through woodland when she was attacked, say police.

The young victim had been in woodland close to Chambers Valley Road, Sheffield, when she was assaulted by a man.

The route is known to be used by several people every day, including schoolchildren and dog walkers.

Officers investigating the attack on the teenager earlier released an e-fit of a man they are looking to identify.

They are now urging people with any information to get in touch.

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Detective Constable Ailish White from Sheffield Protecting Vulnerable People unit said: “From our enquiries so far, we believe this route through the woods is used by many people, particularly in the mornings by students heading to school and people out walking their dogs.

Police hunt sex fiend after girl, 13, assaulted while walking in woods

“We’re sharing details of the route we believe the victim took that morning and some key images from the area to hopefully jog someone’s memory.

“Were you walking through the woods last Wednesday morning at around 8am? Were you in the area of Arundel Road or Sussex Road and did you see anything suspicious?

“Any detail, no matter how small or insignificant, could be really important.

“On Friday (10 February) we released an we’re keen to identify, and we continue to appeal for information on who he might be.

“We absolutely want to hear from anyone who walks that route who may have seen an individual who looks like the person in the e-fit, so if you haven’t yet come forward, please do so.”

Anyone with any information which could help our officers is asked to get in touch using webchat, our online portal or by calling 101 quoting incident number 176 of 8 February 2023.

Earlier Investigating officer Wendy Howe had said: “We continue to work with the victim and her family to identify the person responsible for this serious offence.

“We know the incident has caused concern locally and would ask anyone with information about this matter to come forward, especially if you recognise the individual pictured.

“As I’m sure you will understand, this type of offence is highly traumatic and sometimes this means we get new information and new lines of enquiry as the victim is able to process what has happened.

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In our earlier appeals, we advised that this assault happened near Mount Pleasant Close, but we now believe that the girl was assaulted a little further off the main streets, in the wooded area close to the Chambers estate and Charlton Brook.

“I’d urge any residents living in the area to consider whether they heard or saw anything suspicious on Wednesday morning, or if they saw someone resembling this e-fit image.”

Antony Clements-Thrower

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