Talented moggy collects mail from postman and takes it to deaf owner

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Zebby trained himself to listen out for the postman as his owner can
Zebby trained himself to listen out for the postman as his owner can't hear (Image: PA)

Life-changing hearing dogs have been around for years, providing help and support to deaf people by alerting them to different sounds.

Now Zebby, a talented two-year-old hearing cat, is changing his deaf owner's life after picking up his skills with no formal training at all.

Genevieve Moss, from Chesterfield, Derbyshire, says she couldn't cope without her clever moggy who does everything he can to help her day-to-day.

He taps her face or paces in front of her to tell her to put her hearing aid on, and even looks out for the postman to take the mail to his owner.

Talented moggy collects mail from postman and takes it to deaf owner tdiqriqrkiddrinvGenevieve praises her extraordinary cat for his life-changing abilities (PA)

"Without my hearing aid, I can't hear anything, but now I have Zebby to help me," says Genevieve.

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"He'll come and tap me when the phone is ringing, and then I can pop my hearing aid and speaker on and take the call.

"In the night, if there's an unusual noise, he will bat me on my head to wake me up and let me know.

"If someone is at the door, he'll pace about in front of me until I get the message.

Talented moggy collects mail from postman and takes it to deaf ownerDaily Mirror's Pet Club

"He is very helpful and likes to bring me things – he'll get the post from the doormat and pick it up in his mouth before dropping it in the bedroom.

"He even brings me my slippers if he finds them somewhere other than my feet. Zebby is very special, I've never known a cat quite like him.

"He loves to be around me – wherever I am, he's not far behind. We've got a very close bond and I wouldn't want to cope without him."

Talented moggy collects mail from postman and takes it to deaf ownerZebby alerts Genevieve when the phone is ringing to put on her hearing aid (PA)

Sammie Ravenscroft, cat behaviour officer at Cats Protection, added: "Zebby is an extraordinary cat, who has clearly got a wonderful bond with his owner Genevieve.

"Although Zebby hasn't had any formal training for the role he has taken up, he has found something that must be special for him too as he continues to do it, whether it be a head rub or a tasty treat when he has done well.

"Either way, Zebby is a perfect example of a cat that is truly remarkable."

Pet pic

Talented moggy collects mail from postman and takes it to deaf ownerCaesar learnt how to walk again after being completely paralysed (Willows Veterinary Centre / SWNS)

A miracle dog left paralysed after being hit by a lorry has astounded vets to make a full recovery in just weeks - with the help of his own set of wheels.

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Caesar, an American bulldog, was left with horrific injuries after being hit by a HGV when he was spooked by another dog and darted into a busy road.

There was a chance he may not survive because he was left paralysed in his front legs and left with little movement in his back ones.

But the six-year-old pooch underwent a life-saving operation at Willows Veterinary Centre and Referral Service in Solihull, West Midlands, and just eight days later was able to walk again.

Talented moggy collects mail from postman and takes it to deaf ownerVets described him as the most determined dog they had ever seen

Three months on, the lucky pooch has defied the odds to make an amazing recovery and is back running around his favourite field following his brush with death.

Vets now described Caesar as the "most determined dog they have ever seen" after seeing his willpower to get back on his paws.

Owner Nigel Smith, of Worcester, added: "Amazingly, he's now almost 100 per cent being back to how he used to be."

Story of the week

Talented moggy collects mail from postman and takes it to deaf ownerMelody said her heroic puppy saved her life when she fell asleep (Melody Chen / SWNS)
Talented moggy collects mail from postman and takes it to deaf ownerMia was on hand to wake her up and they scrambled to safety (Melody Chen / SWNS)

A hero dog saved an unconscious student from a house fire by licking her face and pulling at her jumper.

Melody Chen suffers from Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia syndrome, a rare heart condition which means she can faint up to nine times a day.

The 19-year-old collapsed while she was cooking, and fire broke out on the unattended hob.

Melody lay helpless as the flames swept through her home in Stoke-on-Trent, but luckily her German shepherd Mia was on hand, and leapt into action when she saw thick black smoke filling the kitchen.

The one-year-old pup began to lick Melody's ears and tug at her jumper. Melody came around and she and Mia scrambled to safety.

The student vet said: "I can't thank my dog enough. I hate to think what might have happened to me if she wasn't there to wake me and alert me about the fire."


Talented moggy collects mail from postman and takes it to deaf ownerMotley the parrot (left) has more TikTok followers than many celebrities (Tom Maddick / SWNS)

Meet Motley, an adventurous pet parrot who has become a TikTok star.

The Harlequin Macaw has become a celebrity after incredible images of him flying around the Peak District went viral.

The bird, usually native to Bolivia in South America, loves to soar across the skies over the national park as well as above his home in the East Midlands.

Owner Chloe Brown, 24, trained him from a young age to return to her and she now lets him free fly for several miles at a time.

Motley is so keen on his daily flights, he even squawks and taps on the window with his beak until Chloe takes him out.

The zoo biology student, who has another parrot called Echo, started posting pictures and videos of Motley's flights online and he now has thousands of followers.

She is using Motley's profile to campaign against clipping birds' wings or keeping them in cages.

Chloe said: "I don't really do social media but we started getting recognised going out and I thought it would be nice to let people know what he's been up to."

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Sharon van Geuns

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