Barristers targeted in 'fake bomb plot by men seeking revenge over seized £1m'

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Jonathan Nuttall is accused of conspiring in a bomb scare against two barristers
Jonathan Nuttall is accused of conspiring in a bomb scare against two barristers

Two barristers were the target of an alleged bomb plot in revenge for confiscating £1million from the wife of a suspected money launderer, a court has heard.

Jonathan Nuttall, 50, is said to have held a “deep-seated grudge” against Andrew Sutcliffe.

Prosecutor Catherine Farrelly said one of the devices, designed to look like a bomb, was left near a bench at the lawyer and his colleague Anne Jeavons’ offices.

The other, placed outside Mr Sutcliffe’s chambers, came with a smoke grenade to ensure “maximum alarm was caused”, the Old Bailey heard.

Ms Farrelly told jurors: “They were left with a quite clear objective: to cause serious panic, thereby drawing significant attention.

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“The objective was accomplished: buildings were evacuated, roads cordoned off, and a large number of police officers attended.”

Barristers targeted in 'fake bomb plot by men seeking revenge over seized £1m'A 'fake bomb' was allegedly left outside the chambers at Grays Inn Square as an 'act of revenge' (Alamy Stock Photo)

Nuttall allegedly recruited his driver, Michael Sode, 58, to act as a middleman with Michael Broddle, 46, who planted the devices on September 14, 2021.

Broddle had in turn roped in sons Charlie, 18, and Joshua, 20, in the plot at the offices in Gray’s Inn, Central London, it was claimed.

The background to the case dated back to 2011 when a money laundering probe was launched into Nuttall and others.

Mr Sutcliffe was later brought in to work on the case along with his 3VB colleague Anne Jeavons.

Barristers targeted in 'fake bomb plot by men seeking revenge over seized £1m'George Gray is accused of helping Nuttall with the alleged conspiracy
Barristers targeted in 'fake bomb plot by men seeking revenge over seized £1m'Charlie Broddle pictured at the Old Bailey

The pair obtained a court order for more than £1million of assets being recovered from Nuttall’s wife, Amanda, jurors heard.

Faced with the prospect of public embarrassment and reputational ruin, Nuttall directed his animosity towards the two lawyers involved, it was claimed.

Ms Farrelly told jurors that, at least six months before the attack, the Broddles had carried out research and surveillance on Mr Sutcliffe and Ms Jeavons..

Nuttall, of Romsey, Hants, Sode, of Deptford, South-East London, and the Broddles, from Hounslow, West London, deny all the charges against them.

George Gray, 25, of Hounslow, denies conspiring to transfer criminal property.

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The trial continues.

Tom Pettifor

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